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[M-War II] About Manual

79.3k TheUltimatePlaneLover  4 days ago

I finally made an "About" section for M-War II lol

Turns out, people are really interested in war (YIPPEEE- I mean uh war isn't good uhhh), so here's all the information if you want to get involved :D


The lore starts in real life, and just under a year ago.

Monarchii stole a machine gun from TheMouse, formerly MouseWithAMachineGun123. He became MouseWithAMachineGun122 following the theft, and declared war as a result. It started off as just a joke/skit, but CrestelAeronautics and I saw opportunity and turned it into probably one of SP's biggest wars...

...which is evident in the fact that we're now, officially, getting a sequel. Lore for that? Following the fall of The Monarchii, the Monarchiian people are now split into two sides. First off is the Loyalists, who wish to keep the old reign of the Monarchii in hopes of returning it to the glorious kingdom it once was before the M-War. Then there's the Reformists, who want to usurp the Monarchii in favor of a new, Communist reign over the land.

So now to the big question:

How does one join?

Generally speaking, the M-War II is free and open. So long that you communicate and comply with others respectfully and appropriately, we're all pretty chill about new people joining our collaboration.

Sides to Choose:

There are two main sides, and several subgroups. Main sides are listed in bold, whilst subgroups red.

Loyalists - Protectors of The Crown
The Monarchii: The whimsical leader himself, it should come as little surprise that Monarchii wishes to help the Loyalists.

Snowstone: Essentially the neighbors of the Monarchii (since both seem to be based on Snowstone per the M-War), LunarEclipseSP and SamuelJamesCastor have been allied with the Monarchii since day one, and the M-War II shows not a sign of that changing.

MDA: A redesignation of the MGLA, who fought in and won the first M-War, the MDA is a group headed by TheMouse, and they've returned to support the Monarchii this time.

Skypark: A lone but mighty nation under the guidance of Dracul0Anderson, we believe they show their support for the Loyalists as well.

The Dominion of Firearms: Better known as their acronym, DoF, the Dominion of Firearms is an independent group ran by SPSidearm.

Jaxcorp: Another Sidearmi PMC, mostly ground-based.

Diable Defense: SuperSuperTheSylph's private military company who supports the Loyalists.

RRHI: The R-R Heavy Industries, who aim to support the Loyalists via weapon imports, ran by RB107.

Reformists - Spearheading of the Hammer & Sickle
APLA: Also known as the Antares Alliance, the main supplier of the Reformists, ran by JSTQ. As of right now, they are the first and only subgroup in support of the Reformist peoples.
Worth Noting: ETSF is a unit of APLA.


Social rules are pretty simple, no being rude, no threats outside of the war, be civil and appropriate, basically be a good person.

Per the first M-War's Anti-OP/Meme Treaty, building rules are also pretty simple: Don't make your weapon too overpowered, but of course don't make it too weak (e.g. nothing indestructible, but also nothing that can be one-tapped by a peashooter). As long as everything is fairly balanced to some degree, everything's cool.
Meme weapons aren't advised, but as long as they can find some realistic and/or logical use in combat whilst abiding to the rules above, it's alright. Take for example one of the MDA's most legendary units, Tonk, who of course is based off of the meme, but regardless has proven one of our most valuable assets while still not coming off as too powerful or goofy.

Current Members

Saving best for last: all of our wonderful friends :D
Also there are a lot so do forgive me if I forget anyone:

-TheMouse (MDA Leader - Loyalist)
-Monarchii (The Monarchii - Loyalist)
-JSTQ (ETSF Leader - Reformist)
-CrestelAeronautics (MDA - Loyalist)
-TheUltimatePlaneLover (Me - MDA - Loyalist)
-MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 (MDA - Loyalist)
-windshifter1 (MDA - Loyalist)
-Karroc9522 (MDA - Loyalist)
-KPLBall (MDA - Loyalist)
-Christiant2 (MDA - Loyalist)
-JaxHere (MDA - Loyalist)
-LunarEclipseSP (Snowstone - Loyalist)
-SamuelJamesCastor (Snowstone - Loyalist)
-AeroTactical (No Subgroup - Reformist)
-Zero0Two2 (No Subgroup - Reformist)
-Dracul0Anderson (Skypark - Loyalist?)
-SPSidearm (DoF Leader - Loyalist?)
-MonsNotTheMonster (Pearlian Republic - Unknown)
-NerfAddict (MDA - Loyalist)
-Boeing727200F (MDA - Loyalist)
-SuperSuperTheSylph (Diable Defense - Loyalist)
-RB107 (RRHI - Loyalist)

Okay just one more thing:

If the "manual" doesn't cover anything, do feel free to ask me in the comments!

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    39.0k Graingy

    We are selling! Contact us for more info!

    Pinned 4 days ago
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    4,373 JSTQ


    Pinned 4 days ago
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    @DimitriIqbal91 Since the Reformists are Communist, I'd say them

    3 hours ago
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    Which side has a more Eastern/REDFOR air to them?

    +1 14 hours ago
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    oh my god the war is so one sided lmao

    +1 15 hours ago
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    @rorrE Aitey :D

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    @JSTQ Aight

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    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Ohhh I see

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    1,275 rorrE

    am interes ted I think

    +1 yesterday
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    4,373 JSTQ

    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore … Don't think I haven't watched the plot of Ace Combat 4.
    @TheUltimatePlaneLover This is the boss

    +2 yesterday
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover No it's not, it's one. But lorewise it's composed of a squadron of 15

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    @JSTQ it's going to be peak Ace Combat tech dw, and not something absolutely insane
    Also about the trigger thing, they're literally the enemy squadron lol, they're basically Yellow 13

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    @JSTQ Oh I see
    In that case fair enough

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    4,373 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover trigger: The protagonist of Ace Combat 7

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    @JSTQ The first two are ay-okay, but no trigger meaning?

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    4,373 JSTQ

    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore em… Let's make an agreement first
    1. Modern Warfare
    2. No overpower
    3. No trigger

    +1 yesterday
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    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Oh man
    Is it one of them swarm aircraft or is actually 15 planes in one build??

    +1 2 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Yep, I have plane fit for it but it's supposed to be a Squadron aircraft of 15 (oof) full of experienced pilots

    2 days ago
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    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Hmmmm
    Maybe it could be like a boss battle then?

    +1 2 days ago
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    Imagine... A random nation just... Joined out of the blue... With technology that is batsh#t insane... Like in anime... 👀 (Idk if this is allowed or not but if it is, then I'm turning one of my build into an M-War II thing) they're Janoshi btw, a canon from mine. They're basically just, Mech anime Japan or Yukikaze Japan

    +1 2 days ago
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    @SimplePotato Np :D

    2 days ago
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    can i have a group called "Definetly not a dumpster that hasn't been cleaned in a while."?!??!/1/1/1

    2 days ago
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    7,437 SimplePotato

    @JSTQ I see that makes two of us :)

    +1 2 days ago
  • Profile image
    4,373 JSTQ

    @SimplePotato thanks, But I already have one.
    Or two

    +1 2 days ago
  • Profile image
    7,437 SimplePotato

    @JSTQ You guys could use a 5th gen. I have two on my profile.

    3 days ago
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