Did your Craft go subsurface but your camera stops just shy of the water surface?
This has happened to all of us at some point. And I can verify that the android version of underwater camera mod is not currently working in mobile because of multiple unity incompatibility errors.
However, I've been on the hunt for a quick and simple fix. And finally. Just finally. I have made it possible for us all.
Without any further delay!
Validation: Camera view must be on the surface. (You will hear splash sounds)
1. Open dev console.
2. Paste //MainCamera>>Transform..getposition
3. Press execute.
4. There will be 3 numbers in (#1,#2,#3) that show up. You will need these.
5. Paste //MainCamera>>Transform..setposition #1,-20,#3
* #1 & #3 are going to be the same as the values from step 4 however you will set #2 as a value <= -1. (I prefer to match my aircraft depth bc the camera will lock back into the craft when it is within range thankfully.) *
6. Press execute.
7. Close dev menu. If done correctly then you will be underwater and hopefully with your craft. There is no texture under there. It is just empty space but you can see the land masses where they exist.
This was seen here first ladies and gentlemen, discovered and publicly released by @FlyOnTheWall
<3 Jasmyne
I guess that works also lol, I just use
/Water.SetActive false
lmao@Graingy anything....
@FlyOnTheWall Even the
@Graingy I transfer anything for the right price.
@FlyOnTheWall You transfer liquids?
@Graingy I love the cootie corner. I'm the Cootie corner pimpette!
@FlyOnTheWall Yeah yeah go sit in the cooties corner
I wouldn't mind seeing some devs Upvote this.... hopefully Mr. Garrison himself...
@Boeing727200F lol. I decided to make it easy for everyone by simply copy and paste.
@Red920 is not on drive. There's a little trick to getting it but it doesn't work and it's not needed. Just sink something and follow this guide.
@Graingy Magic LADY!
nvm i can, it is just English. thought it was ft
i cant read whatever language that is
@FlyOnTheWall Bro I cant find the underwater mod on Drive
I like your funny words magic man
@SuperSuperTheSylph I have another trick for getting android versions too. Not releasing that yet tho
@FlyOnTheWall oh i see,ik about it since.......ever basically
@Graingy see this my friend?
@YarisHatchback this has been driving me crazy for a long time. I discovered the dev console a few weeks ago and have been trying everything I can think of to make this magic happen. Finally a breakthrough.
@SuperSuperTheSylph yes. I found a link that said something like all available android mods here or something along those lines.
@FlyOnTheWall Kakhitochauri?
(he is the one who created the mods)
@SuperSuperTheSylph I like jokes. Lol. So the problem has been solved. Yayyyyy! I also found a easy way to install mods, and if you go to the maywar creators page, there is a link to a Google drive with a ton of mods in it. If you download them to your device, then open NMM (even without shizuku) long press the mod file and then the three dot menu , then open with... simple planes comes up as a selection and it will open the game and install the mod automatically.
@FlyOnTheWall it does for me too tyy :)
sorry for the joke i could not resist to do so
@SuperSuperTheSylph it worked for me. I stopped mid game and came to post it