So its passed like what? 2 months? Time flies...(Just like planes...)
So what were your toughts on EP-VII? And what was your favorite scene?
SW EP-VII Toughts
919 LeoBrasi
8.9 years ago
So its passed like what? 2 months? Time flies...(Just like planes...)
So what were your toughts on EP-VII? And what was your favorite scene?
@LeoBrasi okay, general impressions of your planes: I like that you've tried unusual things like the wings on the DragLess Ant or the folding one. You seem to understand the relationship between CoM and CoL too, which is good. Areas for improvement would be: try to use fuselage sections instead of the old blocks, they're better for basically everything; also learn about wing profiles (the options for symmetric, semi-symmetric, and flat-bottom). What those do is affect how much lift the wing produces with no angle of attack (so flying level). Semi-symmetric is the middle one, flat bottom gives you more lift, symmetric gives you none. What this is good for is making sure that your plane can fly nice and straight without automatically pitching up or down. If it pitches up, make something at the back flat-bottom, for example. Try things out!
@Meawk ok! That was cool! I cant say it fast! Its a tongue twister...
@LeoBrasi snoke is a snake that spoke to a fake but when break came to break he drowned in a lake.
@Skua Thank you so much! You dont know how much that means to me!
@LeoBrasi I'm helping a couple of other people just now, but I can check yours out afterwards if you want? Remind me tomorrow and I should have a little more time
@Skua I know this is asking much, but could yuou take a look at my planes? Dont bother if you dont want to, but could you look and tell me what do you think? Im not asking for upvotes, i just want an opinion for further improvements....
@Skua probably.
@LeoBrasi hahahaha that is ridiculous. I guess it might have been to make sure he stays about for the next two as well, though?
@Skua me too, did you know he earned about 2 million dollars for that?
@LeoBrasi man I wish I could have seen Mark Hamill's reaction to the script
@Skua maybe jar jar? JK. Yeah thats my opinion as well!
What did you think about Lukes performance in the movie? It was amazing!
@LeoBrasi judging by the appearance of Sidious, I reckon he's actually still human and just horribly corrupted by his usage of the force. Maybe it's Plagueis?
@Skua yah totally! I think he was a total badass! But who do you think Snoke is?
@LeoBrasi I wish we had gotten more of him, although I think he was best when he was being bros with Finn haha
@Skua Yeah that wa smy favorite part as well! And what about Poe? What did you think of him?
I really liked it, it captured the feeling of a proper Star Wars film. Favourite moment was probably the TIE fighters against the sun and the X-wings flying low over the lake on Takodana, those shots just looked too good