@rexzion I can answer that!
The original (see left) was created on Windows 10 MS Paint, if my memory is serving me correctly. Transparent pixels are not compatible.
After that, with Windows 11, the issue is that removing the corners (and saving the transparent pixels, which is unreliable if entirely non-functional) is difficult because for some reason beyond my fathom there is no way to paint bucket transparent pixels. Or translucent pixels. For that matter. Huge oversight. Doing it manually would be incredibly time consuming since every single pixel would need to be chiseled away around the circle.
Anyways, even if they were removed, an outline would need to be added to allow the white circle to be visible on a profile screen due to the white background. Since the image is 1000x1000, this means that there would be a weird cutoff of the outline at the top, bottom, and sides.
Besides, it works well enough in comment sections.
@Boeing727200F Tsundere /s
@Graingy something seems off with him and I just can’t put my finger on it.
@Boeing727200F I know, right? It’s uncharacteristic.
@rexzion I can answer that!
The original (see left) was created on Windows 10 MS Paint, if my memory is serving me correctly. Transparent pixels are not compatible.
After that, with Windows 11, the issue is that removing the corners (and saving the transparent pixels, which is unreliable if entirely non-functional) is difficult because for some reason beyond my fathom there is no way to paint bucket transparent pixels. Or translucent pixels. For that matter. Huge oversight. Doing it manually would be incredibly time consuming since every single pixel would need to be chiseled away around the circle.
Anyways, even if they were removed, an outline would need to be added to allow the white circle to be visible on a profile screen due to the white background. Since the image is 1000x1000, this means that there would be a weird cutoff of the outline at the top, bottom, and sides.
Besides, it works well enough in comment sections.
wait I didn't know you were seriously doing this lol
First one
the first one but why cant the corners be transparent
I want to eat the second one
@Graingy oooh look I joined your little parade.
i feel first is better
I'm going with the first for the time being.