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InfuriationPost: "Alright Airlines"

777 NalanjiWaffles  6 days ago

my gosh.. its like whenever i check the "successors" page on any commercial airliner i see some half-assed creation made by some child who probably made it in 30 seconds.
its genuinely getting frustrating and i know that i cant do anything about it nor the mods and "they're just children" etc etc etc but that is just my OPINION on this matter.

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    I have a friend and he often takes other people's planes (including mine) but I don't see any violation of the rules. I'm also happy with him because we are also friends (on Simpleplane), so if you find them annoying, don't show it because the purpose of this game is for players to be creative and have fun.

    4 days ago
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    @Erionh In that case, it should be reported (one of the options when reporting a build is "Post is a copy of another airplane.") and the mods would take action if necessary, yes.

    4 days ago
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    2,202 Erionh

    @HuskyDynamics01 what happens if nothing changes and the person dose not do anything and claims it. do mods take care of that

    4 days ago
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    @Erionh Good news, this is why the successor system exists. From the sounds of it, Nalanji is upset about planes that are using it and do offer variation from the original (i.e. aren't just direct copies), so no rules are being broken.

    4 days ago
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    2,202 Erionh

    @HuskyDynamics01 yeah but stealing builds is in the rules and not one to break

    4 days ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 yeah. good point

    5 days ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 exactly, while sure i might like destruction every so often in sp, does that make me terrible person?

    5 days ago
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    Hey... If kids having fun in a game is upsetting you because they aren't doing it to your standards, then... maybe you should consider taking a break for a little bit. I'm not trying to be rude or dismissive, but this isn't something you should waste time getting frustrated about. Remember, the point of videogames is to have fun, and... well, not everyone is going to do that in the same way, y'know?

    +2 5 days ago