Jaxcorp is a Ground based PMC. with many IFVs and newly acquired MV-22Bs. They also have a SWAT Truck, but it's not covered here. Est in 2024, JAXCORP plans to supply the Loyalists with Equipment or troops.
Logo used in Vehicles:
The Type-82 is a Wheeled IFV, serves as the second primary vehicle. It's avaliable for both sides.
The M5 IFV is the primary IFV of Jaxcorp. Originally a Test vehicle.
Newly Acquired Osprey.
@SPsidearm here is the revised logo,update the description
@SPsidearm lol
I'm firing that guy...
your painters missed something
DD in tail number stands for Diable Defense
you can change it to JX for Jaxcorp
yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))))))))