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58 Mattgoncilla  3 days ago

a question, i downloaded the simpleplanes game for free on its own website but when i saw it on steam, it is not free to download and it has to be bought, is there any difference to both of them? or is it just not free to download in steam?

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    Yes, If you can buy something like simpleplanes on "Its own website" for free, its not real, and you'll probably get a Virus if you install it, simpleplanes is never free

    3 days ago
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    62.0k TheMouse

    It is definitely not free on “its own website”
    The only place where it is free is probably a scam.
    The difference is that the steam version is the actual simple planes, that does not have malware.
    I suggest you buy the simple planes on steam, and not use other versions. (That don't come from app store, steam, etc)

    3 days ago
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    4,203 JBPAviation

    What website did you use?

    3 days ago