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The weapon I wish was in SP2

5,997 Cadvalto  8 hours ago

1. Cannon :

I wish they would add some more ammo types to this gun, like APDS, APFSDS, APCR, AP, APHE, HEAT, HE, etc. But it might not be very useful because the build might be destroyed if hit by a bullet or even a cannon ball.. However, I can probably hope they add an animation of the bullet casings coming out and being able to adjust the position of the throw.

2. Gun :

Okay, maybe this sounds a bit lazy but maybe it would be nice to add some weapon designs for individuals, For example, machine guns for Rear guns on some old era aircraft such as Bombers for example.

Okay this sounds a bit.. well.. so let's ignore that for a bit.

3. Rocket :

Actually this is what I want.. not really, skip it.

4. Bomb 💥💥💥 :

This is what I really want, where the bomb is equipped with a Guide like the Guide bomb, or maybe there are special parts for the bomb and the controls can be adjusted. Making a guide bomb manually with a few components might be fun, but that's not really my point. DumbBomb, as the name suggests is "Dumb". And literally dumb when I use it without Pylon or datacher. There are two possibilities:

  • Because it may not be affected by Newton's Second law, Instead of falling faster vertically, the bomb falls faster horizontally, making it dangerous for the rear of the aircraft. I even experienced an explosion when dropping a bomb without a Pylon.

  • Like before, but this is the stuck version, where the bomb is stuck on the lower body or the back like a wing.

It's my fault too, basically Pylon was created for that, it will add its own aesthetics. But I'm really bothered by the Bomb Physics.

That's all.. I know this will just be wishful thinking so whatever.

I mean, "SimplePlanes" is really that "Simple"? Hell naw, Even with only 5 types of main components and a limited manual, users can create a mass killing machine. I mean airplanes, even before the interior cockpit was added, had speed, Alt, Attitude and compass indicators. :v

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    23.2k Axartar

    I mean ammo types would be nice, but i want something new, like an EMP, or th british Dragonfire or smth

    1 hours ago
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    210 WzNick


    2 hours ago
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    Guided bombs are pretty much confirmed. It was in the trailer after all.

    +3 5 hours ago
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    Moar and better missles like the magnum and a better combat management system. And lasers, cuz why not

    +2 6 hours ago