1) the cockpit build part and fuselage build part of plane are completely separated.some time when i finish build fuselage the aerodynamics drag is only 1000.but when put cockpit datail the drag went to 3000?
2) separated fuel tank
3) story mission like ace combat
4) rework aerodynamics system.it really nonsense at alot of point.
5) part with material.like if it a wood it low health but light weight.if metal hight health but heavy.
6) custom engine.example
Type: Twin-shaft, high-bypass turbofan engine
Length: 100 in (250 cm)
Diameter: 52.2 in (133 cm)
Dry weight: 1,478 lb (670 kg)
Compressor: Single-stage fan, 14 stage HP axial compressor
Combustors: Axial, annular
Turbine: 4 stage LP, 2 stage HP
and the game after you put all stats it will calculate the maximum thrust and fuel consumtion
7) fix the wing glitch.i can't put much thing on wing or it will roll left right when i pitch.would be great if have something like auto balance.
8) auto leveling pitch angle.so the aircraft not tilt up or tilt down.and we dont have to use trim to fix it.
9) custom landing gear.
10) underwater propeller and we can see underwater
11) more type of enemy.underwater,surface water,ground,air
12) have track for tank.and walking leg for mech(can custom shape of leg)
13) mobile can dowload mod.
Most of these are generally good, here's my thoughts:
1) The situation you described might depend a lot on the specifics of the build, but the drag system as a whole could definitely use at least some modernizing (remember, it was designed with basic blocks in mind, not all the funky clipping stuff people do regularly these days).
2) Like the ability to control fuel and have it in different tanks instead of just one big "fuel percentage" that pulls from all of them? That'd be cool, though I'd prefer if it was optional because sometimes it can be better (and certainly easier) to just put fuel wherever and have it work anyway.
3) I don't think a story or campaign is needed in the base game (beyond a set of tutorial missions, for example), but I hope that it can be done via modding (at least, more in-depth than it can now) because that would be really cool.
4) Too vague.
5) Part materials would be really neat, though I wonder if it would be better to allow for the appearance and its properties to be adjusted separately to accommodate less realistic designs.
6) Yes, please. Juno: New Origins already does engine customization quite well in my opinion, though I assume SP2 will have more options since it's a plane game and not a rocket game.
7) Not a glitch. If that's happening, your wing loading is too high (basically, pulling up is making the wing stall because there isn't enough wing area for the mass of the plane). Reduce weight, increase wing area, or both.
8) This is exactly what trim is for. An automatic trim mode would be kinda neat, though.
9) Again, Juno: New Origins does this very well and I'm expecting it to be the same or better in SP2.
10) Almost guaranteed given the shot of a submarine in the trailer.
11) Sure, though like SP1 they should be able to be disabled (or at least not always hostile, like the convoy tanks).
12) Tank tracks would be cool, but mech legs have so many design variations that I don't think a single customizable part would really work.
13) That's still not something up to Jundroo, it's up to Google and Apple, and they said no a long time ago. Most likely not happening, at least not officially.