![(Alttexthttps://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M6c58364eb7c94761c402af5885e8591o0&pid=15.1)] HOW DO YOU DO PICTURES ON ANDROID/KINDLE!?
![(Alttexthttps://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M6c58364eb7c94761c402af5885e8591o0&pid=15.1)] HOW DO YOU DO PICTURES ON ANDROID/KINDLE!?
@ThunderstormAviation the pic I placed is of the image?
![alt text](link {hover text})
note that the curly braces don't actually go there, inside the parentheses you put the link, then a space, then the text that will show if someone hovers their mouse over the image.oh.
@Sirstupid I'm trying to get pictures
@AeroEngineering ?
@ThunderstormAviation If I do this (without the space) [link] (link.link) I get link
@HellFireKoder what order?
the exact same way... the square brackets
actually need to be there, and so do the parentheses()