I decided to take a small break from my P-51 and work on this!
But can you teleport bread for 3 days?@DeezDucks
Does it have interior?
@DeezDucks ok
@CarlosDanger13 idk
@DeezDucks are my cars to scale to your planes?
@DestinyAviation yes
@DeezDucks is that a Bronco?
@DaKaleYT Read the comment thread bro xD
Sweet Plane (Tell meh what it is on steam :D)
@DeezDucks Wow. That's cool. This was one of my planned builds. Obviously wouldn't look this great though. I forgot what it's call though.
@XjayIndustrys OJs white Ford Bronco Will be nice@DeezDucks
Sweet! can't wait
A bronco its nice.
@Aerobako Yeh maybe within a week
Release date planned?
TY guys xD
@MrSilverWolf @JacobHardy64 correct once again !
@Putrakingpig2 Oh no not you again! BTW read This for how to add pictures
@DeezDucks looking good!
An OV-10!
North American/Rockwell OV-10 Broco?
@CarlosDanger13 I'm just kidding
@DeezDucks i definitely seen that before, is it an su-80?; and awesome gravitar
But can you teleport bread for 3 days?@DeezDucks
Does it have interior?
@DeezDucks ok
@CarlosDanger13 idk
@DeezDucks are my cars to scale to your planes?
@DestinyAviation yes
@DeezDucks is that a Bronco?
@DaKaleYT Read the comment thread bro xD
Sweet Plane (Tell meh what it is on steam :D)
Wow. That's cool. This was one of my planned builds. Obviously wouldn't look this great though. I forgot what it's call though.
@XjayIndustrys OJs white Ford Bronco Will be nice@DeezDucks
Sweet! can't wait
A bronco its nice.
@Aerobako Yeh maybe within a week
Release date planned?
TY guys xD
@MrSilverWolf @JacobHardy64 correct once again !
Oh no not you again!
BTW read This for how to add pictures
@DeezDucks looking good!
An OV-10!
North American/Rockwell OV-10 Broco?
@CarlosDanger13 I'm just kidding
@DeezDucks i definitely seen that before, is it an su-80?; and awesome gravitar