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My opinion on the simpleplanes community. And its not good...

670 Kelemenaerospace  9.1 years ago

As i have been browsing simpleplanes lately i have noticed a strange phonemenon that makes me really mad. If you just look at the new section you see a lot of new players posting new aircraft, some that are good, and some that are not so good. Now, a lot of these new players need feedback and motivation to make better planes. But, everybody ignores all the players that have under about 1000 points, and just upbote all the silver, gold, and black players. This system does not allow any of the new players, like me, or anyone who is still white or bronze, to improve their building skills, gain points, and become a good simpleplanes contributor.

So, go out there and find even the mildly good planes and give feedback how to improove, give tips, and also upvote, so that new players get more points, and also download to check out their designs.



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    Um… you might wanna take a look at your current points

    1.4 years ago
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    @Kelemenaerospace don't use profanities it got my old account banned just warning because ur a good guy and I don't want yours banned. btw nice speech

    4.6 years ago
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    thank you. I feel the same way too! upvote

    4.6 years ago
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    1,554 playerboi06

    True i experienc the same

    5.0 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @RedHawk Yep

    9.1 years ago
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    7,696 Halfstrike

    If not witnessed this happen to me but I don't have that much experience but I go on some of the planes that look like they put effort in and comment however some guys like uploading the stock mustang that's in the game and just as guns and expect to get millions of points I don't bother with

    9.1 years ago
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    @BlueHawk thanks

    9.1 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @ShakzDar Uhh, my modded aircraft contest to your claim. Seriously, for my YF-23, it took me a good 10 hours, at LEAST, to figure out how to get the full moving V-tail to work with rotators. And on the contrary, you can't directly mod the CoM/CoL/CoT. You can place parts into the aircraft to change them, but that's no different than nudge controls, and doesn't provide any real advantage. The real advantage is being able to do impossible angles and blocks longer and bigger than they can be, or some value in between the usual .5 block for fuselage blocks. This is what I usually use XML for. Though, on my iPad, it basically makes up for the lack of nudge and other things. Before the Steam beta, my JB'ed iPad was the only way to get parts inside an aircraft, among other things. Those builds can take just as long, if not longer. Basically, XML is only used for achieving what would normally be impossible. I personally wouldn't go back, but I would like to make a mod which allows that without ever touching the XML by modifying the interface of the designer. But that's going to be a later project, once I actually get a PC which can use mono-develop(currently using a mac with a broken mono-develop, but working Unity editor)

    9.1 years ago
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    All I did to get this far rather fast was make sure that my builds were as good as possible before releasing them. I also participated in competitions which are fun ways to practice!

    9.1 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    I agree @Wahoo12

    9.1 years ago
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    @TehDuck It does, yeah.
    Idk I can't build a plane that flies for shit but I enjoy the community.

    9.1 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    First of all, posts like these make me kinda mad. You just have to be lucky, if you post enough quality planes then people will notice (at least eventually).

    9.1 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    I doubt it modding takes time .... @ShakzDar

    9.1 years ago
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    HOLY CRAP you guys are awesome, just got back from studying and had 11 new comments. Thanks so much all of you :):):)

    9.1 years ago
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    1,550 ShakzDar

    @TehDuck I don't tell that ranking up is only possible by modding. But when you see the highest rated page, you only see modded aircraft. And I bet that most non modded aircraft requires more time to build than these modded ones. For exemple, I spent 25 hours to build my latest build of A6m5 (never uploaded), to adjust him as the real one without modding and making it the most real as possible.
    I'm not complaining about it, I prefere to play that game as it's made, it make me prouder when I fly my recent plane

    9.1 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    I feel halfway about this whole conversation why? because it just matters on how good you're creations are and how many followers you have, and how do you get followers? by building good creations! @TheMajesticMrL @ShakzDar

    9.1 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    I'm on mobile you think I can mod at all? you can't rank up fast with out putting lots of hard work into you're builds -.- @ShakzDar

    9.1 years ago
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    @ShakzDar This is also true. A lot of new builders(like myself) don't know how to mod, so their planes might not be all that great

    9.1 years ago
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    1,550 ShakzDar

    You're true and not. The problem is that only modded aircraft get upvote.
    People see an moded unreal aircraft, absolutely non flyable in real, they upvote
    They see a real flyable aircraft, they don't upvote.

    Planes which have good flying property is easy to build when you mod, juste adjust both center of gravity, thrust and lift on the way you want and got it !

    This is the real problem man. Bronze had to learn modding :/

    9.1 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    I can partially agree, and partially not. Peoples do not upvotes as much as is right to do, but... .in one month, I reach gold starting from zero. You must be active, comments other planes, upvotes, post in forum, and be kind. And... yes, it's needed... create good things. No possibility to be noticed with white planes with grey wings and blue cockpit, with mediocre quality building and poor quality flight.

    For the new player, I strongly raccomand to AVOID to copy (also modify) existing reations, and avoid XML modding for at least one month and 50 original good planes at least. Push the game as his limit, before break it. @Kelemenaerospace

    9.1 years ago
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    It took me forever to get to gold. Now, though, I've figured out what im good at (detailed cockpits), I've made good works consistently and that about when I got noticed. However I agree when I was no-color and bronze, I barely got any upvotes, but once I ranked up and my planes looked good, people started noticing me and then my points went up. Its almost an equation of time where the length is changed by the quality of your builds

    9.1 years ago
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    I usually upvote whatever looks cool to me. Occasionally I'll forget though.
    People don't really upvote mine either though to be fair a lot of mine are just edits of existing planes and probably don't really deserve the credit as much as the originals do.

    9.1 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    People can improve their building skills independently of upvotes. If they do so, they will likely be able to earn more upvotes. Most of those who got to gold or silver are there because they are good. Some people fall through the cracks, but if they continue to produce great works, they will undoubtedly get noticed. Take, for example, Nick777. He was kinda obscure a couple months back .However, he was able to consistently produce great work. This is how you get noticed quickly.
    The community grows when a new person BUYS the game and makes contributions. Whether or not they are worthwhile is up to the person. I see that you're relatively new here. This problem has been here for a while. There is often times a shortage of really great planes that people can appreciate. Some of us, like myself, have high standards when it comes to what we upvote. The newest isn't exactly going to show me a great amount of works worth upvoting. The hottest does. To get up in the ranks, it takes effort, which is something that can really only be seen in a few of the planes in newest. If I see something that I like, I'll upvote it. That's what upvote are for. Really, the burden is on the new users to produce something worth liking. It's really trial and error until you can get a consistent flow of popular works. To be honest, they really don't even matter, but this is all my opinion. What do I know?

    9.1 years ago
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    My first plane I ever uploaded got 25 upvotes in a matter of days. I dont think its about what your user rating is. Just put everything you have into what you're making and it will come across in your work and people will want to download it an check it out.
    Besides it shouldn't even really be about upvotes. Just make what you want for you!

    9.1 years ago
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    5,055 Jackie

    Meh, I don't care too much for up votes. I'd be equally happy with one point or a million. I just want to get my creations out there for other people to enjoy.

    9.1 years ago
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