Because they're not laggy. If your device is lagging, get it cleaned or lower your settings. Lag may also be caused by sheer number of parts. Attachment points have been around since the start. @RedstoneArmory
Because they're not laggy. If your device is lagging, get it cleaned or lower your settings. Lag may also be caused by sheer number of parts. Attachment points have been around since the start. @RedstoneArmory
Because they're not laggy. If your device is lagging, get it cleaned or lower your settings. Lag may also be caused by sheer number of parts. Attachment points have been around since the start. @RedstoneArmory
Because they're not laggy. If your device is lagging, get it cleaned or lower your settings. Lag may also be caused by sheer number of parts. Attachment points have been around since the start. @RedstoneArmory
Attachment points are so laggy we need an option to turn it off. @Allstar why you just disagree???
No, just, no
how do wings lag?
Wings lag? Because of the attachment points? Turn of your shadows