Alright guys we get it. The website is a little slow. That's because there are so many people on it. So, since the site is slow, people think that telling the Devs repeatedly is going to help. It's not. They know what the issue is. They are trying to fix it. You complaining does nothing. It does not help. Flooding the Devs and Mods with notifications about their website running a bit slow is just annoying and unhelpful. Point is, the Devs know that the site is slow, so stop complaining about it. It does not make the problem go away.
That's my rant for today, have a good one guys.
@Nickasaurus munch munch mm.. wha? munch munch thi ruly gob munch munch gulp there cheap ya know
@TheRemesy snacking
@TheRemesy no I snacked my forehead
@TheRemesy snacks forhead*
Lol thanks @drdoom222
Nice use of italics
Make suure yuu have dedotated wam!
It's been working perfectly fine for me in the last few days and even if it was not working I would have probably blamed it in my terrible Internet.
Mac Pro running Ubuntu?@JacobHardy64
It's actually quite fast right now @Rohan
Lol@Rohan we need that 64 gb per card stuff. And then we need four cards. And then eight more computers with those same specs.
@TehDuck dankè
@Sirstupid @Allstar @Meawk @AceSquadIndustries @jheffernan thank you for your support gentlemen
Oh it's been driving me insane @Allstar
Right, but they already know. I have used that before though @JetstreamAeroEngineering
Or is you go here you can tell the devs and they respond pretty quickly
Yo, this is too true. I'm glad that you can see this as well
@Sirstupid its mostly server storage but whatever