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Bonus video and something important(Must read it if you like VTOL crafts).

69.5k deusalgor  9.1 years ago

Hello there! I am so happy that I found that game on YouTube, because it introduced me to a greatest community that I ever saw! I want to thanks DeezDucks for his constant support from my very first upload. Also my thanks to my followers and everyone who upvoted my crafts, I have some nice ideas for my future builds that I start to design next week, hope you will like them. Thanks to you, guys and, may be, girls, I am very close to 10k points for now, but there is one guy who also deserved your attention in my opinion. He builded every Soviet VTOL planes replica that you can imagine =) This guy is Ironghost. I don't ask you to upvote his planes if you don't like them, but please, go check his profile.

And here is promised bonus for everyone who read this. Just a funny extreme landing on carrier =) Plane in video is DAI Volh Mk.2.

Thanks for reading this and have a nice day!
p.s. sorry for my english =3