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Any cool combat pics or stories?

15.9k Allstar  9.1 years ago

I was doing some dogfighting earlier, flying against the likes of the Hellkeska and @KHH 's drone. It turned out to be pretty fun and I got some gun kills. It was even better when I let the AI fly against similarly handling planes. So I was wondering, does anybody have any cool stories or pictures they want to share? I'd love to see some.

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    31.1k Spikerya

    I was flying this and was flying against a simple fighter jet with a minigun when I did a split-s and pulled out, it overshot and as he went past its vert. stab. brushed the water, it did a flip, and i simply fired into the water and killed it.... XD sounds simple but looked awesome. And sometimes random events will happen while I'm testing out capabilities against other planes, once being I flew one of my interceptors and activated the parachute and crashed into the plane chasing me. I just started laughing and tried again, this time it overshot and tried to spiral down but didn't pull out in time and wrecked into the hangar

    8.0 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    Nah, this is welcome too, but that's pretty brutal @SalmonSmeller

    8.4 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    I was testing my Incher-K5 once, AI StarLuna tried to ram me and missed, fired some shots at it, nothing happened. Then when I was turning towards It and got on Its tail It exploded and the shrapnel killed me #Lag

    9.0 years ago
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    5,698 AceOfSpade

    Search up Rambo1050 on YouTube I've got some on there.

    9.1 years ago
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    @Allstar lol only if there is damage model

    9.1 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    Looks like something straight out of war thunder. After you got the kill, did you assess the damage. I'm surprised that you didn't "sustain critical damage" @JetstreamAeroEngineering

    9.1 years ago
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    Indeed. The best crashes ive suffered after a win is those pesky propellers that come from nowhere fast. Even when you try to dodge the debris, they still come at you for revenge. @Allstar

    9.1 years ago
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    I did this

    9.1 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    That sounds hilarious. Those detached wings have quite the loiter time. @Bobjoezonehill

    9.1 years ago
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    I was chasing the AI with me in my flying boat fighter and him in the stock biplane. As im staying with him, he dives towards the south runway, levels off , turns a few times pulls up, then dives back down and crashes into the ground. I see it and think "oh ill land and come around and look at the damage." Well, as i start to touch down, right over the crash site, a part of the biplane's wing comes down, out of nowhere, and knocks off half of my left wing. I almost right my plane from the impact but by that time, ive lost what was left of my altitude and crash.

    9.1 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    @Skua Sweet!

    9.1 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    I was requested to record a video of an F-14 build in a dogfight, but in order to take advantage of the variable-geometry wings, I had to fly it myself. I wanted to find some way of defeating AIs that have Interceptor missiles when I don't have the manoeuvrability to dodge them, so I strapped a couple on my opponent and set the start distances to Far.

    Now, I will admit that this took... more than a few attempts to get down properly. However, I eventually managed to duck down below the sides of the island to evade the first long-range missiles shot. I lurked there until the opponent got a bit closer, and switched to the semi-guided Guardian missiles. Crucially, these lock on quicker than the interceptors. I popped up over the ridge of the trench, got my lock first, and got the win. Totally worth all the failed attempts.

    9.1 years ago