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Best prop configurations

525 Maverick91  9.0 years ago

So I'm starting to make my next Sky Cup racer and this time it's a prop class. I've experimented around with the props a little. I have a few questions if anyone could help me out. Does increasing the blade count increase the drag, but increase acceleration with a lower top speed? Same idea for the blade thickness? What do think is the sweet spot for blade count vs. blade thickness? I'll keep experimenting and let you guys know my findings

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    34.1k AgDynamics

    ![](link to image)


    9.0 years ago
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    @AgDynamics How did you embed that image? I can't figure out how to do it haha

    9.0 years ago
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    34.1k AgDynamics

    @Maverick91 Haha, mine's called the "Fireflower" because I painted it to look kinda like one of these when the prop is spinning.

    Also I'm getting right around 1:26 consistently. Fastest I saw was a 1:25, slowest was 1:29. But it's never crashed or hit the water. :)

    9.0 years ago
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    @AgDynamics what's your best time on shark tooth so far? I've gotten a 1:30 with the AI crashing into the water about 5-10% of my runs

    9.0 years ago
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    @AgDynamics I'm going to paint my turbo prop like a big daisy and call the plane "Flower Power" haha

    9.0 years ago
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    34.1k AgDynamics

    @Maverick91 Yeah, the 3x props look pretty dopey. They're like big flower petals.

    9.0 years ago
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    @AgDynamics When I was testing yesterday I was AI racing a 2x turboprop and a 3x turboprop. The 3x had a higher speed by about 7-8mph. The 3x won the race on Shark Tooth by 1-2 seconds usually. I know racing isn't about cosmetics but the 3x prop is hideous in my opinion lol

    9.0 years ago
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    34.1k AgDynamics

    I ran some tests with a tug-of-war rig yesterday. The most powerful prop configuration is a maxed-out Tubroprop with 6 3x width blades. However, the large blades take a bit longer to produce peak power. I found that a maxed turboprop with 2x blade thickness will out-pull a 3x for about 3 seconds before the 3x catches up.

    9.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @Maverick91 Mine would be great, IF THE AI DIDN"T CRASH

    9.0 years ago
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    So far my best time on Shark Tooth is 1:30

    9.0 years ago
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    Is there a performance difference between Scimitar, Warbird and Cessna blades?

    9.0 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    2x thick Cessna blades, normally with six blades and max hp.

    9.0 years ago
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    Seems to me that more prop blades and/or thickness require more engine power to get performance. The question for what blade size or how many blades comes when you are trying for fuel economy. Like i said, more blades mean more horsepower to turn. More horsepower means more fuel. Is it worth it?

    9.0 years ago
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    Increasing the blade count and size does not increase drag, because there are more blades the plane has better pull (or push).

    9.0 years ago
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    So far I've found that 6 blades with blade thickness (3x) all the way up gave me the best acceleration and top speed

    9.0 years ago