hey guys... not in the best mood but ill keep it short. my pc died on me and i couldnt recover any of my 10 projects i was going to upload... heres the list..
-aircraft carrier (working on now)
-KTM 125
-trophy truck
-working little boy nuke
-shootable M4A1
-flying xbox controller
-DJ bike
im really pissed off but its all i could do... only some of these will be returning............................................................................................
Or this?
I would like the Subaru. Maybe like this?
that moment you figure out why all your projects never worked.......... lol the attach points were always off now i know why... im making the bomb from scratch to! so the model will be custom!
There all good really. It will be ok. 😀
I recommend the little boy. I could use a big bomb. ;)