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Robbed of SP

4,841 NovaTopaz  9.1 years ago

Repeating this from reddit, but whatever.

Well, I've been playing SP on my school Macbook Air for ages... But now that school has patched a thing in their security that allowed a renamed Steam application that is something other than steam to operate, Steam no longer works on my computer... At all. And if I attempt to redownload it, it stops it before it opens. So unless the devs puts out a standalone of 1.3 similar to Gumroad, I won't be able to use my macbook at all for SP. And that means there will be a lull in my plane building until I either get my dad's computer or I start building on my iPad... and I really hate to build on my iPad, especially by itself. Plus my progress on the CFA-44 is fairly lost except for the small amount of work I put into the build making the nose... So either way, most of my building will be delayed for the moment.

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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @LuKorp ... I noticed. But it's near the end of the school year, so it no longer matters...

    8.8 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    "School laptop" YOOUUU SCREBB!!! Jk Jk, y u no has own compooter?

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    Sorry to hear that!

    9.1 years ago