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What Does it Take?

1,099 LiberatorWeaponAgency  9.0 years ago

What does it take to have one of your cool creations to get recognized? Is it all about aesthetics or performance or is it a balance of both? I've seen many cool creations that have cool functions, such as missile bays, and looked cool. However, they were not recognized. I was just wondering what it takes to get your planes to be recognized. What makes some planes cooler than others, or at least more deservant of attention then others?

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    17.4k Geekpride

    Partly looks, partly performance, largely luck. I've found that entering challenges can be quite a good way of getting noticed, but apart from that, I don't have much advice.

    9.0 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Star Wars, recognized themes from games. That kinda thing.

    9.0 years ago