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Mods for mac?

120 Mateyman  9.0 years ago

Hi guys I was modding on my mac and I finished, but then when I went to go input my mod into the game files I couldn't find them. Do any of you guys know where the simple planes mod file is? Also I bought the game on the app store before it was released on steam. And that leads me to another question, can you claim a copy on steam if you bought it in the app store or do you have to buy it again. Thanks for reading my question - Matey.

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    120 Mateyman

    @jsaret okay but I heard something about not being able to mod files on the app store version.

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    The OS X copy is now running the same version as the Steam one.

    9.0 years ago