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Online Multiplayer

52.4k Ahtzee  9.0 years ago

This is an amazing game. But is multiplayer servers too much to ask? Just think, 1v1 battles, team battles, missions against AI, race and so much more possibilities. Including my choice of free roam lobbies where we just fly together. Pleeeeeease???

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    17.8k jsaret

    @Bluerobot11 that kind of response indicates defeat, but I know I'm right, not to sound pretentious.

    9.0 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @jsaret just rain on everyone's parade won't you

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Bluerobot11 the storage is different from the RAM, which is the actual memory usage. Every part must be accounted for in SP, where as in T, the mobs are at most 5 pieces (like the Golem). I have a 64GB iPhone, 2/55.3GB remaining. 128GB iPad, 88/105GB remaining. By that logic, my iPad should be a supercomputer. It's not, because it has only 4GB of RAM.

    9.0 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    and @jsaret i have WAY more stuff on my phone, simpleplanes takes up 309MG on my phone and that does not even conpare to the 2.4 GIGABYTES OF DATA that i have in PHOTOS on my phone
    and here is the best thing, I STILL HAVE 4.7GB left on my phone out of a total of 26.3GB of usable data on my phone
    I WIN

    9.0 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    but @jsaret you don't need to know ALL the data, just the important stuff like the XYZ cords and which direction they are facing, not stuff like the Airplanes themselves(other players could be displayed as drones or something) and shading isn't important

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    over here, and I have like 5 planes on my iPhone, closer to 75 on my iPad. Here's the storage values I have. Device, App Size, Docs & Data.

    iPhone: SP: 269MB, 23.9MB; T: 109MB, 43.9MB.

    iPad: SP: 269MB, 46.9MB; T: 109MB, 41.3MB.

    Those numbers tell me that SP runs much higher graphics than T, but the user/world data for T that has to be encoded is higher (because each block can have several states (and chests)) whereas the SP environment is hardcoded and doesn't change (aside from the bridges)

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Bluerobot11 seeing as you're on iOS, go to settings for me and tell me how much memory (i.e. storage, not RAM) each app uses. That's the hard-encoded values of each bit of stuff it takes. My guess is the "documents & data" part should be about the same for both (just XMLs for simple planes, and similar data files for terraria) but the app size should be much, much larger for simple planes because of all the realistic physics it has to know.

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Bluerobot11 a mob in terraria is literally just x, y, velocity, and hp/damage. A simple plane is every piece, every shadow, every propellor, every bullet.

    9.0 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @jsaret and what happens when your brother spawns hundreds of Mechanical bosses in(your Phone still runs and Doesent crash.
    plus lan servers don't have to send ALL data over, they can just use the necessary data

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Bluerobot11 terraria has a basic lighting engine, and renders in finite 2D.

    9.0 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @jsaret than how does terraria do it. i can imagine how minecraft does it, it doesn't have a lot of objects to communicate, but terraria, i don't think so, not with all the mobs and Bosses moving all around, and if terraria can do it, simpleplanes can do it(i know about these things cause i have all three apps on my phone, and they run as smooth as glass)

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Sirstupid didn't think so. Still, @CarlosDanger13 connecting multiplayer to the website would slow it down, no, it would crash the website with how much server power I guess they have. @Bluerobot11 LAN multiplayer: someone has to host it. A mobile device wouldn't even have a chance at it. Best tablets have 4GB RAM, and my '14 MacBook Air with 8GB runs hot on medium physics with 2 planes in the air.

    9.0 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    They aren't paid. @jsaret

    9.0 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    why not LAN multyplayer, that would save the hassle of trying to figure out servers
    plus minecraft, terraria, and other games allready do it

    9.0 years ago
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    Here is a idea connect multiplayer to the website @AndrewGarrison

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @amazingperson124 how much do you think it costs to host a website like this with all the plane files? The images probably use more space than the .XMLs, right? Then the mods, not sure if they're paid or not, but everyone's gotta eat.

    9.0 years ago
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    @jsaret The website alone is probably draining thier pockets.

    9.0 years ago
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    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Does AlienWare Alpha run .exe files?
    I'd assume it does in desktop mode? Or Unix executables?

    Edit: read the specs and saw that alienware alpha runs Windows 10, so yeah, you can run the server on it, but UPnP is a router thing.

    I'm gonna try to figure out building to Linux, but the only guaranteed executable is Windows, since that's what I'm developing on and already have.

    Anyway, the UPnP thing is not a computer thing, it's a router thing.
    If you google "UPnP support [Your Router Model]" or something you should be able to find if it has it...

    And, if your router doesn't, there are websites and software that will let you run a Virtual Machine (or just straight up, the .exe) on a server, and on the VM you could run the executable. Then you just connect to the server, and it should work, though this is untested.

    You don't really have to run your own server you know...

    9.0 years ago
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    @HellFireKoder Errr does AlienWare Alpha have that? that's what I play on...

    9.0 years ago
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    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries If your router supports UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), which most do these days (however mine does NOT :/), it should be able to handle the port forwarding all by itself.

    Oh, and it's just an executable that you run, currently without real commands, and it runs as a terminal (cmd) application.

    And yeah, what @Skua said about making it more user-friendly, we want to give it a nice proper UI, with easy access to functionality such as allowing (or not) xml edits (you'll supply a part ID, and what properties to limit, so you'll want to know the XML you're limiting), and of course, admin tools, most of which will hopefully also be available in-game through the dev console.
    (as well as, more details, that I'm not gonna explain :P)

    9.0 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries it's kinda complex just now, but they've said that they're aiming to make it as user-friendly as they can before releasing it. However, it's not my mod, so I can't say exactly what the plan is

    9.0 years ago
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    @Skua but how do you host those servers? If it includes the motem and other crap just to host, then it's too complicated. Like a simple command in the bar would be GREAT

    9.0 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    In addition to what jsaret mentioned, there is a multiplayer mod in the works for PC. It requires that people host their own servers, rather than having centralised ones

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    Jundroo is a small team. That would be either:
    - way too many servers. The energy bill alone would be crazy.
    - very, very limited number of simultaneous games for the entire community
    - a potentially expensive per-battle or monthly subscription (not that I think they'd ever do that)

    9.0 years ago