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Caught Chapter: #1

7,526 AnarchistAerospaceIndustries  9.0 years ago

First Chapter! More will be added on at times, I plan on making 5-6 paragraphs worth of lines for it. Enjoy!

Chapter 1


Hello, my name is Dan, I am a World War II Air Force pilot, I currently pilot the P-38G Lightning, and in 2400 hours I should receive the P-51D Mustang. I have been flying my P-38G since when it was first created, and now halfway through the war I am now getting an upgrade. Finally.

The Barrage

It was Friday, calm sunny day in London, England. I was at the lunch table, eating my daily lunch, while everyone was talking and discussing battle plans for the upcoming air raid. The talk was interrupted when the red alarm lights turned on and the sirens churned up full blast. Over the PA system we heard the airfield commander: "All pilots, All pilots. We have an incoming fleet of enemy HE-111's. 10 miles out. Get in the air IMMEDIATELY!" Before the announcment ended, I was already outside, jumping in my P-38G. I turn it on, the engines roaring to a start, which my plane was already fueled and ready to go. After taking off, the rest of the squadron gets in the air, 20+ fighters heading to intercept.
Halfway to the target, I hear an odd sound. I look around to see our normal squadron, but to my 10'o'clock low was a squadron of around 30+ F4U's and F6F's.. I see the squadron nosing up towards us, and in moments their squadron has met with us and is in formation. I radio to the squadron leader next to me, wondering what's going on: "Hey boys what's going on here? What division are you guys?" After a short pause I get a response: "This is the Fleet leader of Squadron 2-8526-Roger. We are from the carrier force just off the French coast, Eisen-527. We were told to rendezvous with you guys and join in." After radioing to the rest of the squadrons, I reply back: "Roger that, welcome to the family of the 259'th Elite Battalion, best pilots in the European theatre. All of the pilots here have over 5 confirmed kills, I myself have 14 with this legendary plane." Then I open my radio to everyone in the squadron: "Alright boys! Smoke on we're almost there!" As I say that, every plane in the squadron except the F6F's and F4U's pop their smoke on, many streams of different color smokes fill the sky, trailing our wings.
As we reached the target zone, I start to see dots appear in the distance, and as I use my binoculars, I see the most horrifying sight of my life. I see around 30 or so yellow and black noses, followed by the cockpit, propellers, and the rest of the plane. I hear the carrier force leader shout orders to his crew: "Alright boys remember we are in rough territory here! We are slower planes going against fast and powerful German aircraft!" I smirk and say to them: "They're HE-111's, light bombers, shoot the engines and they're going down, not much different than a Zero. If anything the Zero is faster and have cannons, the 111 has a few turrets." The carrier force leader nods at me and we continue to charge, then as the gap closes, the P-51's nose up, quickly gaining altitude. The carrier force is ordered to stay behind us, and we speed ahead, the 10-15 P-38G's set engines to full, and sped ahead.
As we reach the bombers, every P-38 take aim and open fire, the .50 cals and 20mm cannon opening up, tracers and rounds flying. The carrier force follow behind, dodging and weaving enemy fire, while firing everything they have. Then as we all pass, the P-38's pull up, nosing back for another run, as the P-51's dive and tear open the HE-111's, taking out planes left and right. As the P-51's pass, we nose back and pull in, but as I approach the last bomber, I see special markings, as soon as I see them I yell out on the radio: "PULL AWAY! ALL PLANES PULL AWAY!!" As I do, I see the top gunner open fire, his turret armed with 20mm cannons. The gunners all fire, though surprisingly missing all the friendly planes. I then put my landing flaps on as I begin to dive on the bomber, and I open fire, my guns tearing up the enemy bomber. At the same moment, my wings are slightly wounded, and my fuselage is damaged. The bomber explodes in a fireball, and I'm left with a lightly smoking P-38. We start to come together as we head home. Halfway back I see the carrier force pull off, leaving our squadron of P-51's and P-38G's cruising home.


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    4,164 Glaceon

    V O, k.

    9.0 years ago
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    @ShatterFox er no... 2400 hours military time... it really means next day he gets the P-51 e.e

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    Yeah, in 2400 hours, so that guy has to wait 1 hundred days to get his P-51, man thats sad.

    9.0 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries really they are pretty close. The 38 was less manueverable but had two engines (so more reliability), 51 is just more famous. Really the 38 could attack from any reasonable distsance because it had nose-mounted guns, while the 51 had wing mounted guns (so you had to be close enough for the bullets to diverge onto the target). Also, war thunder is not the most unbiased source... I mean, where's the P-38J?

    9.0 years ago
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    @Wahoo12 According to War Thunder the P-38G is LOWER than a P-51D

    9.0 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    Haha P-38G to '51D is a downgrade

    9.0 years ago
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    Cool! I'll keep up with this.

    9.0 years ago
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    @Aviation @goboygo1 @Doge27 @jsaret @JetstreamAerpEngineering @Flightsonic @SirStupid @AeroEngineering @TehDuck @MrVaultech @MrSilverWolf

    Any recommendations?

    9.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Absolutely love this.

    9.0 years ago
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    @Aviation @goboygo1 @Doge27 @jsaret @JetstreamAerpEngineering @Flightsonic @SirStupid @AeroEngineering

    9.0 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    Congratulations on exactly 6K

    9.0 years ago