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Some features I'd like to see...

5,802 DragonAerotech  9.0 years ago

Hello, I've been building a while now and have learned a little bit about aircraft construction and what our favorite game could use in the future.

  1. More land area. I think the mountains cause lag because of the complex features and contours. Land doesn't have to be terribly complicated, a few rises here and there, make the rest just flat land dominated by features like farm fields a lake here and there, etc.

  2. A map; Even ultralight aircraft typically have GPS in them.

  3. A 30k-ish altitude ceiling for clouds, a decrease in jet power at 70-80k-ish altitude as a result of the engine being starved of oxygen and an automatic shift in the appearance of the sky at around 100k feet to where the sky appears to darken and reveal the stars even while the sun is visible. If an aircraft achieves escape velocity and say 250k-ish altitude (This altitude is a pure guess) - well consider it game over unless of course they introduce rocket propulsion systems. lol

  4. Rocket propulsion systems. We've played with it through modding using missiles. I'd like to be able to experiment with building rocket propelled aircraft and/or aircraft that can engage in combat both in and out of the atmosphere.

  5. As touched upon below; Radar. Similar to the feature that allows you to switch to cameras have nose cones and/or fuselage cones have the ability to have radar installed. The longer the range and wider the angle of coverage the heavier the weight. Radar should be able to be toggled off when not in use for reasons explained below.

  6. Radar detection.

  7. A wider variety of disposable ordinance. Onboard radar guidance variety missiles, a type of missile that relies on the radar on the aircraft to seek its target and a radar seeking (HARM) missile. I -think- our Interceptors are heat seeking missiles and I believe the Guardian is a simplistic missile that -basically- relies on the non-existent radar of the aircraft. To simplify matters the design could simply be called "multi-function/capability missile." This would allow the player to determine what detection capability it has and its effective range. Each change would change the shape, weight and size of the missile while the explosive charge would remain the same.

  8. Chaff and Flare dispensers which can be set to manually be launched OR a few seconds after a lock has been achieved. If evasive action is not taken after the deployment of countermeasures though the explosion could still destroy the aircraft.

  9. Include separate throttle controls for multiple engine aircraft. This can allow aircraft to reduce fuel consumption AND compensate for damages, mentioned below.

  10. Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks & Armor: Fuselage sections and wings should have the option of adding self-sealing fuel tanks for the fuel that they carry to protect themselves against current guns (See Below,) at the expense of a 25% weight increase in the fuel carried in that part. However armor is also imperative for certain areas of aircraft this can include Light Armor for a 25% weight increase for the part in question and Hard Armor for a 50% weight increase for the part in question.

  11. A greater variety of guns. Our gatlings and wing guns are lovely but the base model is too powerful. Perhaps I am assuming too much but I think these were intended to be light caliber weapons which would certainly pass through most aircraft like water through a sieve - but as history has shown us aircraft can return from a flight with hundreds of bullet holes and not just blow apart from a single impact. I feel there are TWO (three if you add self sealing fuel tanks) that should be vulnerable. An engine strike should reduce power on a direct impact by 25% per strike, fuel tanks should explode with the force of a Boom-25 and if you do add the option of self-sealing fuel tanks for wings and fuselage sections then those that do not have self-sealing fuel tanks should also explode. Everything else should be invulnerable as it basically passes through the aircraft.

After that expand to cannons though....

The next tier up should be the 20-29 mm range and have some recoil that rocks the aircraft around a bit, especially if off-centered and have a small exploding effect when it hits. These rounds will cause even self sealing fuel tanks to explode and destroy any part directly impacted - unless Light Armor is employed on those parts. Note that engines unprotected by surrounding structures will see their power reduced by 75% on an impact. They can have the same basic appearance as our existing wing guns and Gatlings but size difference should be obvious - or you can go with a new appearance altogether.

Up to the next tier, this weapon would be the 30-39 mm range, has a slightly larger exploding effect and will chew through just about any part that does not employ Hard Armor. Appearance wise once again size is an important factor. It will no longer fit into a wing and must either be pod mounted or fuselage mounted.

I understand that a ship building update is underway and while I don't know what features this will bring, cannon wise, the final tier for aircraft mounted weapons should be the 40-125 mm range. These are essentially anti-tank weapons and should be able to destroy any one part protected by Hard Armor and positively blow apart any aircraft with Light Armor or less with the force of a Boom-25. The rate of fire on these weapons should be far reduced from the previous types and be much much larger.

  1. Ammunition Capacity. Wings and Fuselage Blocks should only be able to contain a finate amount of material. Thus one cannot load a wing with maximum capacity of ammunition AND fuel. The higher the tier of the weapon the less of the ammunition the given area can hold. Optionally Ammunition Boxes, similar to Fuel Blocks, could be added with a fixed amount of ammunition somewhere in the aircraft, for the specified tier of weapon. Weight should be approprate.

  2. Introduce a new engine, on par with our current top of the line, with 2D or 3D Vectored thrust. (2D being Pitch, 3D being Roll & Pitch.) This can even be an attachment if necessary, perhaps one for each engine variety?

  3. Increase the customization for propeller engines including a variety of different spinners, the option of having no spinner and include a new propeller blade variety to reflect the curves of a World War I to World War II wooden propeller. Finally, provide the option of having a spinner mounted gun up to the third tier I described above. (The P-39 optionally had a 20 mm or 37 mm cannon in it's spinner, otherwise I wouldn't have even opted for the third tier.)

  4. This has been mentioned over and over but we really need to be able to see the types of wings we are using thus it is imperative that we see some development showing the different wing cross sections.

  5. Not quite so important as that, it would be interesting if we saw wing form options, such as fabric covered effects, maybe with wing warping ailerons/elevators.

  6. I don't believe any aircraft to date has been built specifically for ease of later painting them thus I propose some new paint scheme options. Firstly, how about a panneled bare metal effect, then some optional camo schemes with up to five customized colors in a Splinter, "Woodland" Conventional, Splotched or a simple over and under scheme. Each scheme would base it's underside color upon where the main wing/structural wing and horizontal stabilizer/structural wings attach. Perhaps a separate option to paint a colored stripe on the fuselage, the rudder, wing or for the entire spinner would suffice for customization. More importantly though, in building a model of the Eindecker I found that the added weight of the insignia really messed up her performance envelope. I'm not going to ask for you to have 101 different insignia for our wings or fuselage blocks but how about a four colored roundel, namely crimson, red, white and blue from the center outwards (With the option to reverse the color order) with the added option to put the SimplePlanes logo on our Vertical Stabilizers, each reflecting that we are all players of SimplePlanes? Those who produce models can continue to make their own insignias~

  7. A simple hinge device that is not so large and bulky as having to use two rotators to accomplish the task. This could be handy in creating all sorts of new creations! A bar like the VTOL bar could be placed at the opposite side of the screen for both to be used at the same time. (Naturally, I'm envisioning a turret.)

  8. The fuselage blocks are able to be reduced and extended in 0.25 increments length wise but this is not so of either end - could this possibly be rectified without modding? I also request that the minimum width be reduced from 0.5 to 0.25. If it works fine for modders to make thinner objects surely the game engine can handle such a feat?

  9. I have observed that with modding rounded diamond cross sections are possible to create replicas of stealth fighters. Can we potentially see a fuselage block and fuselage cone in the future with these shapes?

  10. Stealth technology: Can we possibly see stealth/invisibility from radar as an option for our creations with certain criteria placed upon our designs that will prevent us from deviating from the shape once we select a "Stealth Canopy"?

  11. Hostile territory & destroyable structures. I propose that with the addition of new islands or landmasses that at least one area be made hostile towards players with Anti-Aircraft Guns and SAMs near military sites and enemy fighters making an appearance any time you carelessly enter visual range of their territory above approximately 1.5k-ish feet and being detected on Radar - provide time because the fighters will have to scramble. If you're really good, you might catch a bomber and a handful of fighters on the ground - but be prepared to face anti-aircraft fire and SAMs. ;-) I also propose that the enemy occasional conducts bombing raids, similar to our "Defend the Bomber" mission, on our airstrips, bridges and bases. (Again with destroyable objects.) I propose their insignia to be either an "X" as in "Enemy-X" or a Skull with or without the crossbones. Finally I request that enemy ships be placed in the waters offshore of their territory that CAN be destroyed.

Well that about wraps up my ideas and suggestions for SimplePlanes at this time. If you like any of these ideas, show the developers by upvoting!

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    @thefalkenreich Yeah, I've not been spending a lot of time on SimplePlanes lately. I find it a little funny that you commented on my post which is nearly 3 1/2 years old! :D

    5.6 years ago
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    30 minute to read

    7.5 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati's supposed to be simple

    8.1 years ago
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    6,791 Fluffysheep

    That was long and a lot of it has been implemented but the other ideas are grate I like this.🛩

    8.4 years ago
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    180 RY4NDY

    very nice, i especciale liked the idea about a plane not exploding from a single bullet hit because this are small guns.

    8.5 years ago
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    3,805 Blueshark03

    Amazing I agree on all points, adding these things to the game would make it much better

    8.8 years ago
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    9,528 HarryBRZ

    @dilisvarskvlavi oh erm awkward silence...

    9.0 years ago
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    In regards to my post prior to the last, please dismiss the ignorant statement about the Macchi Mc.205's drop tanks - they were 22 gallon drop tanks which was easily reproduced by adjusting the layout a bit.

    9.0 years ago
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    @Packman126 I was thinking along the lines of trans-atmospheric experiments and maybe a few "what ifs" of trans-atmospheric combat aircraft. ^_^

    9.0 years ago
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    9,528 HarryBRZ

    Yeah I would like to enter space and don't say this will be ksp cos so is ROCKETS we could make space planes

    9.0 years ago
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    I actually came up with another idea, which would go under engines; Drop Tanks. Give appropriate sizes for an appropriate amount of gallons/weight, give the option of fins and finally allow the pilot to toggle back and forth between feeding the engines from the drop tanks to the body tanks. I don't think the "T" button has a function currently, correct me if I'm wrong, this would be fine to toggle back and forth. After that just make sure you can jettison the drop tanks with your' choice of AG number by programming the pylons and voila~ Heck give us a set of options for drop tanks, 100 gal, 250 gal and 500 gal. Today I noticed that what I -think- would be 100 gal drop tanks on a Macchi Mc.205 Veltro, by scale, actually only held 19 gallons. -_-;

    9.0 years ago
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    @Shmexysmpilot Might be in all actuality. I started work on a stealth bomber with a rotary bomb bay and practically wanted to pull my hair out before the fuselage was even done, AG 1 Doors, turn it off while VTOL slider is down. AG2 gets the rotary bomb bay to chamber the first 4 bombs. Wait until it's done pivoting, then AG3 for first salvo of 250 Lb'ers, raise VTOL up by one notch, AG4 second salvo, raise VTOL up by one notch, AG5 third salvo, move slider up one notch which should be centerline, AG6 for fourth salvo - AG1 closes the doors conveniently. lol The bomb bay was neat and all but the angles defied my expectations, there was just no way to get the corners wanted without modding. XD

    9.0 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    Some of the radar/stealth stuff seems a little complex for a simple game, but I love your ideas about weapons and damage systems!

    9.0 years ago
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    @BRuthless True enough, it's a dream wishlist anyway, so why not dream big - right? ;) @Mod Oooh! Sounds tasty! I look forward to seeing what you are able to cook up! :D @AviationXpert154 That's been among my top gripes since about day 3. A couple of days ago I added some leading edge curved parts to one design and wanted to create a razor edge to the trailing edge of the wing but couldn't get it to snap flush against the surface and so it looked wonky. I might try again by Increasing the length of the part. @TehDuck Part of the site is broken? Do you mean the message problems we were having a couple of days ago where it would tell you to try again later?

    9.0 years ago
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    This is going slightly too far first they should add 3D airfoils

    9.0 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    I would like the site to be fixed first tbh ...

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    I love most of the ideas, but I think this is SimplePlanes, not AdvancedSimulatorPlanes. It would take the devs ages to get all of that running and probably it would have to rely on a different engine, so I don't see many of those things coming, but some are possible. And the thrust reduction due to less air density at high altitude is already simulated. :)

    9.0 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    @dilisvarskvlavi That's why I added a jettison function.

    9.0 years ago
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    @SirStupid Ah! A clever idea, sort of like a RATO booster. You'd need a fair sequence of these though to continue a vertical climb started with jet engines. I'm tempted to give it a go with the one that took me to 252 angels a while back. I like how you can look at the inner workings of gems like these by getting up close and zooming in to see how they tick.

    Someone posted a ground launched Tomahawk missile with this same concept a while back. I used the idea as a basis for a tiny rocket powered plane but it barely got me up to the peak of the volcano before the rocket petered out. As I was gliding it back and hoping to land I was rather horrified and amused to see this Interceptor missile slowly wiggling it's way out of the posterior end of my poor little bird - like goldfish droppings that go boom if you aren't careful. I don't know if I failed to land because the center of gravity was all off once it finally "passed" or if I crashed and burned from laughing too hard. XD Suffice it to say, with scramjets in testing and atmosphere skimming orbital/aircraft long being a proposed concept in aircraft design it would be interesting to have actual rockets we can attach to our aircraft that don't have an explosive charge on the end of them and maybe have a bit more rocket fuel. ^_~

    9.0 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 GREAT idea! I've been wishing for a greater variety of air intakes just this morning actually, and while the desire had turned up in the past, it completely slipped my mind! I would like to see a single variable air intake added. It should be able to be of custom shape, circular, half circular, square, diamond or triangular with each lip of the intake to where it can be adjusted width wise at the entry, length and at the terminal end - similarly to how wings are adjusted. Then have an added option for a few spinner options, spinners with blades, or a hollow cavity that is simply an empty black void. This would allow for every variation in history and then some. lol I have saved some engine pods in my subassemblies that folks have created to be slung underneath the wings of airliners/transports/bombers - let me know if you'd like a look at them to see if any of these could somehow fill your' void for the MiG-21's void! ;)

    9.0 years ago
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    Great ideas, but it's going to take a long time to be implemented I imagine... +_+

    9.0 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    @dilisvarskvlavi Missiles. You can use my RocketBoost V4. These are good ideas!

    9.0 years ago
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    Nose cone air intake bassically a nose cone that has more drag due to it being an intake to, I'm looking for something similar in the MIG-21

    9.0 years ago
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    @SteadfastContracting and @potatosparkle Oh yes, I know, these are just a bunch of random things I'd like to see sometime in the future, possibly distant, but if not that's okay too. I know those folks are busy and hard at work on the game's current features, but down the line, some of 'em would be nice. @Sirstupid There IS rocket propulsion?? This is news to me, under which assembly group is that or does it require using the missiles as boosters? I have noticed that the effect of control surfaces and engines decrease with altitude but I've still managed to rocket climb up to the insane altitude of 252 angels using jet power before starting the slow process of falling back to Earth until there was enough air to start using my control surfaces again. I was meaning more the engines choking out altogether, sort of like a jet that has no intake on the runway. I agree that on some points players may not approve of the changes I proposed but they're simply my opinions - my two-cents worth if you will. ^_^ Your' comment on the difficulty in aiming brought to mind another idea; A gun-range convergence distance setting and when properly lined up whether at the set convergence range or not have the crosshair turn from green to red to aid in deflection angles. @XjayIndustrys Oh I know this is a game to explore various aeronautical engineering designs but it quickly grew into more than just that. Just look at the creations listed. Some like to create digital models, others like building racing aircraft, still others like to make anything BUT aircraft - I'm sure I'm not alone though in saying I like to build war planes and pit them up against one another or fight them manually. If they hadn't intended that potential they wouldn't have any of the combat missions let alone weapons. People were making missiles before the developers created them, using modding and increasing the force delivered by a detacher. I learned all about that history sorting through someone's aged tool kit, for materials to add to my subassemblies, that was posted. Some of them were more like lances with fins on the back - it was kinda cool!

    9.0 years ago
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    @TheRubyArmy1134 As if in response to this post, this morning I had some insane encounters in dogfights with creations I redesigned with some of what I've learned since I initially built them. I had one bird that SHOT DOWN 6 Interceptors within the span of about 20 different fights. The one relating to this post though was an aircraft that "survived" battle damage after a head to head attack. It was a redesigned single engine variant of that Twin-Tailed Fighter-Bomber I have listed that turned into a air battle villain after the fact. Anyway I do not know if I got caught at the edge of a secondary explosion, a piece of debris or a bullet strike. Either way it ripped off one of my tail booms just aft of the wing along with that side's vertical stabilizer. I took screenshots and saved them to steam but don't know how to post them here. At the top it indicated that I was victorious. I laughed because ultimately it led into a slow slighty-controlled spiral into the drink below. XD

    9.0 years ago
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