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Stuff to add to the game

42.4k Supercraft888  9.0 years ago

Something's I would like

-Nose cone air intake: basically a nose cone that has a built in air intake, but has much more drag, you can change the size of the inner cone, and the intake surrounding it, if you would like to know what I'm talking about the look up a picture of a MIG-21

-parachutes: some planes have these! Plus they would really help with slowing down can only be deployed once.

-variety if materials: I wish their could be diffrent material to build you plane like fibreglass is ultralight but very weak. While steel is ultra strong, but very heavy, stuff like that to variety to this game (yes now it s starting to become "not so simple planes")

-gun power changes/nerf: guns are way to powerful, like I mean, historically aircrafts usually took quite a few bullets before going down, but in simple planes if a rock it's you.Ggame over, I hope they make the guns less powerful or the planes stronger

-in game bomb bay: yes I know their are people who have built stuff like this using rotators but they are a pain in the butt to adjust and move around

-laser guided bomb: basically bombs that require you to stay on target and the sort of guide themselves to their target.

-Actual helicopter engines: these XML modded helicopter engine are great, yes (shout out to shattered aviation on his helicopter engines) but I want something vanilla, in-game helicopter engines that have adjustable blade length etc.

-Adjustable wheels: just wheels you can make bigger, or smaller, or change the angle they are at.

-ACTUAL CIRCLE FUSELAGES: what peeves me most in this games how once a fuselage goes past width and hight of 2 they become not circular, wish there was a "true circle" option in the change shapes.

-bring back the dummies and forgotten stuff maybe???: I like the dummies dats all :p

One more island: I just want a flat island with a few rolling hills here and there, no mountais nothing just a nice little island for off road stuff.

-Detailed interior cockpits: That would be awesome just like a speedometer, altitude meter, and gps

-ability to see planes specifications in game: just going to be very helpful with challenges and tournaments.

-Weather conditions: Wind speeds and directions to make for a more realistic flying conditions, such as high speed winds making it more difficult to turn and such, and weather like rainstorms or thunderstorms with a chance of the lighting hitting you planes (if it hits maybe it could like damage it a lot or turn off your engines or activate random stuff on your plane)

If you would like to see anything else then post your opinion in the comments!

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    9,528 HarryBRZ

    But all of that stuff sounds good

    9.0 years ago
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    9,528 HarryBRZ

    And maybe space

    9.0 years ago
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    @TheMasterSoldier im still new, and moble only. But when i say customizable a mean more like the fuselage peices. And please let me know how to fix the rotators to pitch and roll. Thanks

    9.0 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 you dont Xml modding fora cockpit,I amke my cockpits small with xml, but you can build them easily with vanilla parts

    9.0 years ago
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    @AeroEngineering ok fair enough, just thought like in the vanilla gui could be a bit more detailed and stylized

    9.0 years ago
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    I want rotators to bind to pitch and roll for thrust vectoring if i dont want to use the vtol slider. I want customizable jet engines. Customizable intakes. Customizable airfoils. I like the idea of different materials. I tried soace engineers. Its similar to this but they have different materials. I also want customizable cocpits. I also would like a customizable rotatoe. Like maybe a thinner one .5 maybe. But these would be some game changing additions that will allow people some more realistic and advances designs

    9.0 years ago
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    I disagree on detailled cockpits. They are what I am good at, and eliminating the need for them would eliminate my "niche", and I wouldnt have much fun playing anymorebecause there would be no reasonto build whats fun to build. And really, they arnt hard to makeat all, just nobody ever bothers to make them

    9.0 years ago
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    Have you seen the stuff that the Platinums build?! They build freaking transforming mechs, flying houses, and dragons with wings, this game is already FAR beyond simple planes.

    9.0 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @TheMasterSoldier it became complex planes a long time ago, I saw rotators added and it changed everything

    9.0 years ago
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    OH!! Another thing! We also need decals like flags of various countries, and USAF or Russian star ensign

    9.0 years ago
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    Holy crap 14 upvotes, I'm amazed, my most upvoted thing isn't a plane but a forum post, lol srsly though, thank you!

    9.0 years ago
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    Oh true

    9.0 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @Supercraft888 then people would mod it...

    9.0 years ago
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    LAZER GUNS!!!! That's what was bothering me! We need like those giant ass LAZER turrent that the US military has been working on!

    9.0 years ago
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    @Nickasaurus @DeezDucks @Rohan
    What do you think of a sort of Eco engine, like a high efficient engine, but it's very low power that's better in high orbit like 50,000ft above sea level or something like that.

    9.0 years ago
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    @Rohan but I no know da engrish for senpai

    9.0 years ago
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    Holy crap and I thought I was the only one! Als when I spawn, the enemy is almost always behind me, it should be more fair with the enemy and you facing back to back.

    9.0 years ago
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    @Nickasaurus @DeezDucks
    Fibreglass is light. It is fairly strong, right up to the point that it shatters into sharp shards. I hate cleaning it up so I always wear gloves.

    9.0 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @DeezDucks @JacobHardy64 I've worked with fiberglass before and it would be fairly light weight but for the games sake it could be more of a medium weight. Gfrc would be great for a heavy weight (glass fiber reinforced concrete) and for light weight I'm thinking of a few composites like deezducks mentioned

    9.0 years ago
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    8,281 12ocketguy

    @Supercraft888 I know Andrew Garrison was prototyping the resizable landing gear. Bombays and detailed cockpits would be so amazing.

    9.0 years ago
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    7,655 WhiteWing

    I want a race track to race cars :)

    9.0 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @Supercraft888 I remember someone didn't believe me about how fragile balsa wood was until I bit the front off of one of the failed models we had made from it

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    But first they must fix AI, i cannot count the amount of times i've tried to dogfight a plane, and the enemy or my plane will crash into a mountain without even trying to manoeuvre out of the way of it.

    9.0 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Helicopter rotor and squash plate? Just an idea. Building a functional helicopter would be nice.

    And powered wheels. Of different styles. Because I want to build that Ford Pinto with a Cessna 337's tail section and wings strapped to it.

    9.0 years ago
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    37.3k Rohan

    "Senpai noticed me!!!" You speak English freaking use it. @Supercraft888

    9.0 years ago
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