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Two things very, very easy to code for a future version

48.9k Baldovino  8.9 years ago

In options menu the choice for the measurement unit. MPH, KM/H and KNOTS.

In "races", made the "computer controlled" option activate by default. (if someone forget of disable it, can disable autopilot and take controll with one key and half second without go back to menu)

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    @MaleticAirplanes That would be DIVINE! It would certainly make vectored thrust more common in our designs~ ^_^

    8.9 years ago
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    @UnstableOrbit if you are a modder, could you make a mod that allows VTOL as a control surfaces input?

    8.9 years ago
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    2,726 BULSA

    @UnstableOrbit I believe you that's why I said from what I know 😊 I'm an android developer... (junior)😋

    8.9 years ago
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    @bullman518 I'm a modder, and I can tell you that shit like that is NOT as simple as you make it out to be.

    8.9 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    @amazingperson124 My entry for shark thoot challenge is a prop plane, but it reach 87% C. ;)

    8.9 years ago
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    Don't forget percent of speed of light

    8.9 years ago
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    2,726 BULSA

    @Baldovino I don't know what they ate using and how complex the coding is but from what I know it is really simple

    8.9 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    Another thing I wll love (but maybe very difficult) will be the "G-Meter". Really usefull for tuning planes at the best performance.

    8.9 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    I want suggest also to add "mach" as measurament unit, with two digit. Like "Mach 0.98" or "Mach 1.17" but maybe this is not so simple to code.

    8.9 years ago