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Advanced version of Simpleplanes for Windows/ Mac OS

300 bluefire007  9.0 years ago

Hi fellow plane designers we need greater challenges. Let me know what you think. This is just an idea. I believe, for stronger computers that are running the Windows or Mas OS the application Simpleplanes should introduce an "Advanced" option possibly located in the options-games play menu. When this option is checked it would introduce (other advanced concepts) a more accurate flight model to the game requiring plane designers to take into consideration more avionic aspects such as and not included to "Subsonic aerodynamic theory", "Transonic aerodynamic theory" and "Supersonic aerodynamic theory" because at each speed the airplane flies differently and control surfaces work differently.
When a plane is at Transonic speed it vibrates a great deal all most stalling - more power is required-it would be less controllable without using more advanced design blocks... just before reaching Supersonic speed.
Check out links:
High-speed flight on Wikipedia

Video - High Speed Flight parts 2 & 3

Other in the list...

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    Thank you for the fast response.
    FYI - I love simpleplanes! I love the efficient menu layout and the designer more. And I hope one day we can have a fun simulator like simpleplanes with more realism! (I am a realist after all:) The idea was created when I put one of my good (I think) fast combat planes with swept wing design into a dogfight against a fast straight winged airplane that had more mass and more power. I was expecting the large plane to lose often because of the straight wings but instead my plane lost the dogfight often. So I started to research why... and found out it was due to the aerodynamic straight wing stability at 750+mph. In the real world straight wings do not fly well at high speed. I understand the game needs to be kept simple so I am fine with it. Thank you again.

    9.0 years ago
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    If you want to simulate aerodynamics better a speeds beyond transonic, there should be more customizability in the wings. Right now we have Flat, Semi-symmetric, and Symmetric, which is pretty limited. If we could control more things about the wing, such as camber, angle of attack, and thickness. This would allow more accurate simulation of stuff like flow seperation, wave drag, shockwaves, and others. At this point, however, the game would already no longer be "simple" planes.

    9.0 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    Replace your links with these to a) fix the italics, b) fix the actual URLs, and c) make them clickable.

    [High-speed flight on Wikipedia](
    [Video - High Speed Flight parts 2 & 3](

    High-speed flight on Wikipedia
    Video - High Speed Flight parts 2 & 3

    9.0 years ago
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    On youtube look up "High Speed Flight Part 2 and 3" for the second link

    9.0 years ago