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4,164 Glaceon  9.0 years ago

This is going to be a rather long-ish list of stuff i think the devs should add

  1. Engines. Instead of vehicles having to use rotators and VTOL they can use engines with horsepower and such.

  2. More missiles. Hellfires, Aim-9s, Aim-120, Brimstones blah blah as suggested by a bunch of other dogfight loving players like me.

  3. Proper Helicopter blades that can swivel on their own.

  4. Different guns. As also suggested by other players and the ability to increase fire-rate (at the cost of damage) or more dangerous (at the cost of a fast fire-rate)

  5. The ability to designate something as a different part of a plane. You know when you build a missile like a cruise missile and such, You should be able to designate that as a seperate object with It's own controls and the ability to switch between the object and the main plane, because trying to control a missile you launched from your plane usually ends with your main plane crashing into something

  6. Damage models. These really need to be implemented! I've seen bombers get shot in the tail once and then the rest of the plane explode!

  7. The ability to add multiple planes into the game at once with their own AI. Whilst this can be achieved with sub assemblies, they do not fly off their own AI, only mimicking the player's plane's movements.

  8. Working tank tracks (This game is slowly turning into not-so-simple-planes) I've wanted to make a tank for so long, but having to use wheels and thrust to push it along is a really big disappointment for me and i'm sure for a lot of other players as well.

And finally Drumroll plz

  1. Tank guns of different calibers, And while these can be achieved through XML modding to increase caliber and damage, It would be better having an actual tank gun instead of a makeshift one that uses a wing gun with XML modding to seem like a Tank gun.
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    16 JanM

    @Thehtmguy I meant for a person in a parachute

    9.0 years ago
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    @Delphinus I agree, but as I said previously, devs are working on #1, and I doubt it will make the game much bigger or slow down the phone (mostly because the devs are genius...).

    9.0 years ago
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    2,493 Thehtmguy

    @JanM you can make one qith a detacher

    9.0 years ago
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    16 JanM

    i think an ejection button is also nice to have

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @@HellFireKoder Oh YAS :D

    9.0 years ago
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    They are already working on #1, sort of.... they have new wheels that are resizable, and you tell it which "car engine" (dev name of the engine) it's connected to, and on the engine you can set horsepower and stuff.... it's gonna be awesome :)

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @AndrewGarrison @philiptarpley @Delphinus @MrVaultech @Sniper16 @MrSilverWolf @Thehtmguy @Roguee. Sorry for calling you guys here but i was wondering if you guys could take a look at these and leave some feedback to feed me .P.

    9.0 years ago