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I could use some help from all you wonderful people!

7,322 OtterOfToast  8.9 years ago

Okay, so I'm developing the X-7 Corporeal super-sonic multi-role jet. It's only 39k lbs. in the latest modification, and can reach speeds of 1000 mph at 30,000-40,000ft.

But I can't stop here. Oh no, I have a ways to go, and I've hit a wall. I can't get the aircraft to fly fasting that 1007 mph even in ideal conditions. Where do I go form here? What airfoils should I use for the wings to make it faster? It's already extremely stable and absurdly agile (for my current standards), but it's time to push the envelope.

Of course, I do not wish the make it heavier, less stable or less maneuverable, but I will consider a few minor tradeoffs.
If you want to, take my latest design, the Corporeal L or any later model that I may post after this goes up, and modifiy it if you wish. I'll be sure to add your name to the roster of assistants once the craft is fully complete. I really want this craft to be one of the best performing on SimplePlanes, although I would really like to keep the basic design in tact. Do keep in mind, I do not use mods or edit the files at all. I'm totally vanilla. Thanks, guys <3

you can find the craft here:

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    7,322 OtterOfToast

    @Skua Thanks!! I'll compare this to my experiments and make the necessary changes. Thank you <3

    +1 8.9 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @OtterOfToast alright so my original plan was to just use two large intakes hidden in between the wings, and while this reduced the drag by about a thousand points, it also reduced the airflow to the engines a little too much. I added some of the small inlets back, so the drag is nearly the same again, but with far more airflow. This gave it about 100mph more, the best I saw was 1120mph at 35,000ft. Not a huge difference, I'm afraid, but I think this design is approaching its limits without major changes. I did experiment with hiding the outer engines inside the inner ones, but surprisingly it seemed to make no difference. Anyway, here's the version I made

    8.9 years ago
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    7,322 OtterOfToast

    @Skua Thanks! ^^

    8.9 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @OtterOfToast I have an idea for the intakes that I'll try out and link you to if it works. Also, to get a clickable link in the description, replace the link you have with:

    [Find the craft here](
    8.9 years ago
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    7,322 OtterOfToast

    @Skua I have the nose as sleek as possible, and the drag is coming from the inlets :\ Necessary evil I suppose. I've been looking for sleeker inlet designs to try out and see if there's something that doesn't cause any drag. But about the aircraft's shape or composition itself, any suggestions? :D

    And thanks for the ones you gave me ^^

    8.9 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    Wings don't cause drag (at least, they don't at zero angle of attack) in SP, but everything else does. The best thing you can do is press the "show drag" button and see which parts are causing the most. Nosecone are probably responsible for a lot of it, so experiment with different lengths to get it as low as possible.

    8.9 years ago