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Squadron physics

51 Dragonux19  9.0 years ago

Hello all! Fellow Simple Planes Engineers, I'm new in the community although i have been playing SP for a while now, so I was testing and going through some planes and the most interestings I personally though were the squadrons, I know that they most of the time fail; such as fall behind, get ahead of your main cockpit and even run into each other. Fellow builders, I had been experimenting with this squadrons by user created and my own, and i have found all about their physics, function and problems, I hope you find this information usefull as it is my first topic in the forums, so know lets get to it:

  1. When creating squads, it is proper to use the same plane for all units, since using different typers of models, sizes and heavy planes will the problem of falling behind, speed up, slow down, run into each other and even randomly explode by malfunction, all this is due to weight of the aircraft you desire to use in your squadron. Use the mirror feature ( not the one inside the turnning category), to successfully duplicate your aircraft (please notice that sometimes there appears to be a bug where some parts on the mirrored aircraft falls apart, watch out!), so I preferly use the method of piece mirror (the one inside the turning category) but there is one thing to do before, move the cockpit aside then use the mirror so it mirrors the entire aircraft, and place back the cockpit, you will have to add another cockpit for a the duplicated aircraft.

  2. Sometimes when you download an user created squadron, you seem to find them all of them exactly then same, or most, (color does not count for weight! But a combination of grey and blue creates a weight glitch, so be careful) the reason why this happens is because there should be an hidden part that adds weight, BUT thats the minor case, the big case is that people do the first option mentioned in step 1, that is not bad at all, BUT there is a bug, if your using the mirror option,(not the one in the turning category) you must always mirror the original air raft that you first used to mirror, for example: plane 1 is the original, it is duplicated and there comes plane 2, here is the problem, the cockpit on plane 2 will become the main and confuse the game system into thing that there is a weight increase or decreease, sp i tell you to get plane3 set the plane 1 cockpit to be main again and then mirror plane 1 and you get 2 same planes that 96% of the time ( I am still researching)will never have differences and malfunction, so your squad will always follow you and have much less change of malfunctioning.

This is all i can tell you for now, i will give you an intel of my solution to that 96% percent when I finish my obeservations, for now i hope this stops all the mess with your beloved squadrons, have fun!
P.S. Always use squadrons as dogfights, its very cool!

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    When i make an ai enemy squadron, when i pull up, the other planes have a delay

    8 months ago
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    8 months ago
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    I just use sub assemblies

    +2 6.9 years ago
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    This topic is explaining the issues of sub assemblies falling behind or crash into you... There is telling how to prevent it

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder Ah, k.

    9.0 years ago
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    Ahh, sorry. Misinterpreted what you said! @ShatterFox

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder Thats what i mean't i did that with P-51s

    9.0 years ago
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    He ment creating a squad for dogfighting, I think? M8@ShatterFox

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    Squadron? you mean sub assmblies turned into planes?

    9.0 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk


    9.0 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    wow nice study!

    9.0 years ago