Well I figured I should do one so ask away! I'll answer the questions that are within the bounds of security and common sense :P.
Well I figured I should do one so ask away! I'll answer the questions that are within the bounds of security and common sense :P.
@Liquidfox Part clipping, you first put a engine on then rotate it twice so it's out of the way. Then you put in a nose cone, this nose cone should be 2 or 3 intervals longer than the final result you want. Rotate the first engine back and then decrease the nose cone size to the desired length, this will move the engine back a bit creating a gap between it and the next engine. Then rotate both the engine and nose cone then put in the 2nd engine, rotate the engine and nose cone back and your done! If this is too confusing you can ask for a simpler explanation.
@ACMECo1940 Henry Deng
This seems suspicious.
Mmmmm, roast duck. Blaghhhhhhhhh...@Skua
What's your real name?:)
@DeezDucks yeah. Thats what I want to know how to do because I like making RAF planes XD
@amazingperson124 SS#?
What is your SS#?
@RedHawk Yes I am a magnificent duck with magic poop pellets. But no in all seriousness ducks can't type let alone play a game.
Are you a real duck
@Meawk Well actual camo is really hard and takes time so usually I just settle for simple paint jobs that dont have the wavy multi colour camo like on most RAF planes
.. ... / ... . -.-. .-. . - / .--. .-. --- .--- . -.-. - / --. --- .. -. --. / .-- . .-.. .-.. ..--..
@DeezDucks ummmm. Pretty much almost every time you make camo
@Meawk Salmon I think, No I'm an Juniour High Student and what camo when have I made good camo?
yay another AMA. What is ur favorite fish? R u a real daddy? How do you make such good camo?
@TheMasterSoldier lol
@TheMasterSoldier No I'm not your dad I am a wizard and I am amazing (Jk I have a good eye for detail yet I don't always show that XD) and yes go before I make you clean up you mess.
@Skua Mhmmm
@DeezDucks psst that's an alliteration mate, not a rhyme
Duck is absolutely delicious, though. Cooked rare with a peppered coating and seared outside is just heavenly
@Skua No ducks except when slow cooked for hours XD I chose the name cause it rhymed.
@Jetliner101 Hard to choose I'd have to go with the P-51 Mk.III atm.
Can u make a Schweitzer SGS 1-26 plz lol
What's your favourite duck? And your favourite plane named after a duck?
@Jetliner101 Ask me anything :P