Ok, so here is my story:
I used the mirror tool to create a squad of the stock P-51 Mustang. Then gave it to the AI to dogfight with. I noticed that when i hit the squad planes, they dont self-destruct from my bullets like the original. In fact, i hit one plane and it still flew (though, off on it's own tangent due to the hit being only on one of its stabilizers). Another corkscrewed into the water from loosing half of its left wing. And, like i said, the original (the one with the main cockpit) just blew into oblivion from getting shot. So i was wondering, why is there a difference? Why does the plane with the main cockpit basically blow up while squad planes only lose the parts that are hit?
Squad destruction question.
583 Bobjoezonehill
8.9 years ago
@Bobjoezonehill All the fuel it has is contained in the center fuselage, airfoils and engine mounts, so that won't be a problem. I might un-balance it and start off in a "final approach" location to see if it stays stable very well. Thanks!
If you want to do that, then take all the fuel out of all your fuselage parts and wings, and replace all the fuel tank blocks with straight ones. Then put 2% fuel in one fuselage parts to get you airborne.
@Bobjoezonehill Neat thanks =3 I've been wanting to give it a shot with the Corporeal and make sure it glides properly.
Easiest way i figured out how to do that is connect a detacher on the parts you want to lose. Example: if you want to try and land the stock P-51 with half a left wing, take the wing section off, put a detacher on the mount, then reattach the wing with the detacher in the middle. It flys slightly differently, but the challeng is all there.
@Flightsonic Aye agreed. Can someone pitch that to the devs? I think it'd be really cool to simulate emergency landings like I've been wanting to. Gotta make sure my planes are up to scratch in ever detail, y'know?
I agree
The game calculates damage to unconnected parts much different, and in my opinion, what it should be like all the time