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Caught Chapter: #2

7,526 AnarchistAerospaceIndustries  9.0 years ago

New chapter!!!

This one is going to be a bit longer possibly, Enjoy! If you like the story then leave an upvote and comment! Thanks! ^-^

Diary Entry

It was a long day sure, it was stressful, but I got it done. The camp was the worst part, though I won't go into detail. I received my P-51 and got to test it, which turned into something more than I thought.. Well, either way it was fun, and quite an experience inside that P-51.

Chapter 2

We were flying for a good hour or so when we met up with a small patrol force, and as they pulled up, they noticed my place. It was smoking, one engine was smoking, and there were bullet holes all over it, even some oil leaking. I was then radioed to land at their base, but refused. The plane never cut out before I got home, it wasn't going to now. 10 minutes later we came up to our base, and a while before we had sight, one of the P-51's started to break down, it was smoking and it was sputtering. We were ordered to circle as the rest of the squad landed, leaving me and the broken P-51 circling the airbase. When it was time, the P-51 sputtered to the ground, and slammed the ground with a bounce, and skid to a stop, one of the gear snapped.
As I approached, gear down flaps down, I was about 20 feet off the ground when a flare went across the window in front of me. It was then that I yanked hard left and sent the left wing tip into the ground, causing my plane to skid to a stop, the left wing breaking off, the propellers bending, and the gear to snap. Dazed, I step out, seeing flak guns light up, around 50 to be exact. I spotted enemy BF-109's rotating in, and since I was the top sniper in my class, another soldier tossed me a rifle and I immediately slapped it onto my arm, and aimed. I got sight on the first plane and fired, the bullet missing the propellor and breaching the glass, penetrating the mans skull. The bullet went all the way through his brain and out the other side of his skull, causing him to instantly go unconscious and spin out of control. The flak guns shot down another plane and as a 109 flew over me, I aimed and fired it's fuel tank, causing it to ignite into a fireball and spin to the ground, just passing our field.
After the attack, I went to a wall and sat down, trying to relax. The light covering me was broken as a man stepped up to me. I looked up to see the man that was a role model to me, he was a symbol, someone I looked up to.. General George S Patton. "Stand up Private." He said, I quickly stood to attention and saluted, but he shook his head slightly, "Relax son, good shooting out there, I saw the air raid unfold. I even counted, what was it, 6 to 8 planes you nailed? You're a legend, an ace. I'm setting you up with a plane better than the P-38 or P-51. We captured a German aircraft, as well as Japanese. Follow me." I followed the General, with two staff sergeants behind us, armed with Thompson rifles. We walked through the base to a closed hangar, and he ordered a Lieutenant to open the door. The hangar door slid open, revealing what is known today as a ME-262 and A6M2 Mitsubishi Zero. The general walked up to the planes, the ME-262 was painted silver, with American logos on the tail and wings, with USAF on the left wing and just behind the left and right wings, in black letters. The general smirked, "How do you like them private? Beautiful craft no? I'm giving you an option, choose one to fly for the rest of your time here".
As soon as the general said that my eyes lightened up. The general looked at the aircraft and walked to one, "This plane can be under your control, but these two are being sent back to England to be shipped to the states. In a week one will be shipped back here, customized with the states logos and such, and there will be a surprise for you when you get it." I looked at him, obviously debating which one I want to use. "Alright, since I like you private, I'll let you use both, the Zero can be used for ground attack and fighter capability, while the one here is used for fighting" he says that as he points at the Zero, then to the 262. I smile and respond, "Thank you sir, I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful gift." I said that gladly, and the general smirked, "Don't thank me, thank the man behind you" I turn to see Dwight D Eisenhower, the famous general. My eyes light up and he puts his hand out, "Good job soldier, I could see smoke from those krouts miles away." I shake his hand and the two generals walk to their truck, and before they leave Patton says to me, "For now you will be using a P-51D Mustang, armed with our best shells. Also, it will be holding 20mm cannons, not .50 cal Brownings. The cannons will have the best she'll we could find, and be painted in silver, with red flames on the nose. Good day private, oh and, your P-51 is right behind you."
I watch the truck drive off, and I turn around to see a P-51D Mustang towed up by a little truck, it has everything the general said it would have, and it had the words "Legend" and "Ace" written on the wings, alongside the USAF symbol. The next day we were ordered to get into the air to escort a fleet of bombers to their targets, B-17's and B-29's. I hopped into my new Mustang, and started it up. I saw my old P-38 squad waiting for me in a line, and I pulled up, nodding to them. The 20 of us put engines to max and I set out first, the other three forming a V shape behind me, then we lift, immediately pulling to 15,000 FT. After about an hour of flight I spot the bombers, then I pull towards them. As our squadron pulled in, I saw a weird sight. I saw P-51D Mustangs in the formation, but they had red tails and wing tips. I pulled up to them and looked over, seeing a black man in the cockpit. As I saw this I watched as the rest of our squadron moved to the other squadrons, as the giant force moved east to drop bombs.
After 2 hours of flight we reached the target, and I saw a city below. I saw the bombers drop bombs, and continued to turn around. The red tails squadron spotted yellow dots, and I saw fighters. They sped at us, FW-190's. All of us put our planes to max speed, as a squad of 5 P-38's pulled out to protect the bombers. As we sped forward, flak was igniting all around us, black smoke balls appearing out of the clear blue. The occasional burst of tracers fly past us, and the constant need to roll and pitch to dodge the shells. We got closer the the Germans, and I sped ahead along with the red tails, my cannons were armed. At about 1 mile I opened up, my cannons spraying rounds down range. I saw two fireballs appear as I watch two planes dive to the ground, destroyed. I hold fire as we near, then we all engage in a large air battle. I pull behind a plane and fire, scratch one. Then a plane would get behind me and fire, tracers passing me, then would get shot down by another plane. It was all hell and flak was still erupting around us, occasionally I saw an allied plane be shot directly by flak, exploding, no pilot surviving that. I even saw German planes get hit!
After 10 minutes of dueling, the entire red tails crew was there but for one, that one pilot went head-on with a German and exploded, both of them died instantly. All but two P-38's lived, and I survived. As we turned to go home I saw a shell flying at me. At that time, everything around me slowed, as my memories flashed in my eyes and I saw it strike my right wing, snapping it off. I looked in horror at my wing as I realize,

I've been shot down...

To be continued!

Thank you so much for reading, sorry for such a wait, it takes a bit to get ideas and write them up. If you enjoyed, then go ahead and drop a like and a comment! Expect chapter 3 sometime later next week!

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    501 Aerobako

    Im bensammendell by the way!

    9.0 years ago
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    501 Aerobako


    9.0 years ago
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    @Aerobako I play ROBLOX

    9.0 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    Google it.

    9.0 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    Roblox is a game I play other games made by people on..

    9.0 years ago
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    @Aerobako what

    9.0 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    I like the idea! I myself in roblox scoped a nuke in the air in phantom forces!

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Nah, I lost it.

    9.0 years ago
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    @ShatterFox ever heard of imagination? e.e

    9.0 years ago
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    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Well then, you should know It's impossible to get 8 kills with a scoped rifle vs A plane thats going over 500 kph, let alone 1.

    9.0 years ago
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    @ShatterFox nope

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Playing a bit to much battlefield eh?

    9.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Still, that's a bit crazy. A little believable, but still a little crazy.

    9.0 years ago
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    @MrVaultech it's a heavy rifle stop ;-;

    9.0 years ago
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    3,782 Manboy

    @MrVaultech um, you can i belive

    9.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    He shot a PLANE down with a RIFLE!? That's like shooting down a jet with a tank!

    9.0 years ago
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    @Wahoo12 hey gotta bring in the big guys! Plus anyways, I might include tanks after Chapter 3 ;3... No promises

    9.0 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries haha what a coincidence, Tank legend George S. patton is at an airbase!

    9.0 years ago
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    @TheJohnnyMan not really. Just short stories since my builds are ceasing.. My imagination runs wild when I write though

    9.0 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,208 TheJohnnyMan

    Do you aspire to be an author?

    9.0 years ago