Don't you think that there should be a way to give control surfaces a activation group so you could make a mother ship that drops little controllable bombs without the main ship flopping around while you try to steer the little bombs into bridges?
Don't you think that there should be a way to give control surfaces a activation group so you could make a mother ship that drops little controllable bombs without the main ship flopping around while you try to steer the little bombs into bridges?
@Jasperjl thanks!
Congrats on bronze!@WWIIplanes
@Jasperjl that up vote pushed me over :)
@Jasperjl I know right.
What is this magic?

I'd like that. Then I can actually add flaps to my wings.
Maybe an auto pilot like function
I've been thinking the same thing, lol =3
that would be great!
@kikasshes That would be great for inboard and outboard ailerons!
It would also be great for fast planes. (You could have extra control surfaces activated at low speeds for more authority)
@Flightsonic that's a good idea though. I may try it
Yes, a couple of my designs needed rotators to control it, which was bulky and annoying as all heck
Yep, that needs to be a thing, my freaking BK10 looks dope as hell when it flips around when i try to control the missile
@amazingperson124 that was quick.