my mom has kicked me off of electronics because of bad grades. I will not be able to make new planes for a while. However, I will be able to respond to comments and at least communicate with you guys
I will not be uploading for a few days, maybe a week
81.6k Himynameiswalrus
8.9 years ago
I'm also grade 7
@Himynameiswalrus Wut grade r u? I'm in grade 7
@ShatterFox thanks!
@Himynameiswalrus Gud :3
@Hazard862 nice, and thanks!
I'm in 6th and good job @Himynameiswalrus
@ShatterFox @Hazard862 GOOD NEWS!! My grades are improving, and I will most likely be back on in about a week!
@Hazard862 I'm in 7th grade
What grade are you in btw you don't need to say that's personal information @Himynameiswalrus
@Himynameiswalrus ._.
@ShatterFox I have 2 D+
Oh god, bad grades... Please mum don't kick me off the electronics for bad grades on my math assessment (We haven't gotten the results yet)