I need help. the center of lift is infront of the center of mass on my plane. I can't figure out how to make it more stable with out flipping the CoL and CoM. Here is the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/42IRN3/XR-3H7-wip-experimental-figther
if someone could tell me how to make clickable links that would be great!
Happy to help:) @Thehtmguy
@jjooee28 thanks for the info! I have already posted a new version that got rid of the 10000 gallon fuel tank
The fuel tank is so heavy that the plane will won't work with those size wings. Either Change the size of the wings or remove the fuel tank. Also you should have a look at some examples of other reversed com and col planes.
@jsaret thanks for the help!, I just ended up removing the fuel tank altogether
@Thehtmguy I commented on it, check it out
@jsaret thanks for the link, now i just need help with my problem with my plane.
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