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A suggestion.

57.4k bjac0  9.0 years ago

Hello! Well, as most of you know, simpleplanes is not fair at times, some planes take a matter of minutes to make and get 5+ upvotes, while some other planes that could have taken hours or days to make can get less than 5 upvotes. And the reason behind this is due to the website only showing a few spots for new planes(notifications, new planes list and momentarly the hottest planes list), there needs to be more functions for the site, here are my suggestions:

A "Discover" search option with 2 modes, one allows you to see a list of planes with less than 3 upvotes and less than 100 downloads, and the other allows you to see a list of users with less than 5k points, less than 10 active followers and 1 plane or more.

A recomended list, it shows you planes you might like based off of what you have searched, upvoted, etc.

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    57.4k bjac0

    @AndrewGarrison @MediocrePlanes @RocketLL i think this might be a good way for users to get recognized, btw "Active Followers" are just users that check out the user who they are following quite a bit.

    9.0 years ago
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    I like the discover idea but i really like the recomended one. I'm very addicted to heavy Bombers. But for unnoticed users I'd say the discover idea.

    9.0 years ago
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    19.2k Waemoth

    Yeah, good idea. An option to search for planes with high upvote counts from users with a low score would probably be useful to find some nice, relatively unnoticed designs.

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    I think you should be able to search by point range as well - i.e. <100, <500, <1,000 etc.
    How would the recommended work? Search for multiple tags simultaneously might be better.

    9.0 years ago
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    21.4k RedHawk

    This would be great!

    9.0 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    Great ideas! This site is a little behind imo. The newest page worked ok when the userbase was small, but the site needs to grow along with the game

    9.0 years ago