I've sort of given myself a challenge to make at least one plane per day in an effort to improve my skills as a designer, and get more fake internet points. The only issue is that sometimes I get whatever the SP equivalent of blank page syndrome is.
So I was wondering if any of you folks have any suggestions, ideas, etc.
The only suggestions I ever make, are vehicles no one ever attempts... so if you want to make something difficult and unique,
The Gustav Railway Gun
@TehDuck @Thehtmguy @XxcreedexX @BlueHawk Since the lot of you commented here I figured I would tell you that I did get around to making a plane today, here it is.
Make a flying donut that launches sprinkles
Build a truck that launches pies... oh wait it's suppose to be a plane ._.
@XxcreedexX That Flettner does remind me that I need to dabble with helicopters, I would like to some day make an AH-6 or perhaps see someone make one.
@XxcreedexX Fire away, I'm all ears right now.
@Thehtmguy I can definitely agree with that, it has given me some good ideas in the past. @XxcreedexX Regarding prototypes, that's mostly what I do to be honest, I look up prototypes and concept art looking for something that really interests me (and seems feasible in SP [for me]) and go with that, but I'm coming up relatively dry today.
Just mess around! My motto is "when in doubt, bullsh*t it", though if you want GOOD advice, mess around on the hottest page, and look for cool new ideas!
Just do it! don't let you're dreams be dreams!