Trust me I didn't google any of these
Alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel India Juliet kilo lima mike November Oscar papa quebec Romeo Sierra tango uniform victor whiskey x-Ray Yankee Zulu I don't know why you would need this but here it is.
Foxtrot-echo-november-november. Victor (want to say victor only) echo charlie tango oscar romeo. CHARLIE-WHISKEY-ALPHA
I'm an Air-Force brat, so naturally this speaks to me (literally) XD Good job <3
Hah we used this in our C.A.T. training!!
Squawk 1200 and turn left heading, tree seven niner
Clear to take off via taxiway delta to runway 3L, good day
Whiskey tango foxtrot are we still talking about this
Yup lol would have replaced whiskey with windmill if I made up the code but... lol
L is Lima