Out of all the planes I've made how is my best plane a biplane named hotrod. Its a proper plane that beats almost all the race courses with flying colors like how? #simpleplanephsics
Out of all the planes I've made how is my best plane a biplane named hotrod. Its a proper plane that beats almost all the race courses with flying colors like how? #simpleplanephsics
@Warbrine lol
@Flightsonic :P lemme live my life XD
@Warbrine 2k16
@Flightsonic thanks for ubderstanding
@Warbrine that's a good way to look at it, I've never seen it any way else
@Flightsonic what's important is not how many people follow me or how many points I have its about people enjoying what I make and the fun making it
@Flightsonic ya
@Warbrine you mean you were questioning the physics
@Flightsonic what the what
@Warbrine wait what?
@Flightsonic didn't intend that way was questioning physics
@Flightsonic XD
Pry not new just saying its kinda funny