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The resource you are looking for has been removed,
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It has that on your post
@Flightsonic Oh, I was curious as to what post that used to be, before it was deleted
@TomTheBuilder when you try to visit a deleted post, that's what it displays
What was this?
"The resource you are looking for has been removed,
had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."
@JacobHardy64 lol
God this is so relatable
@DONALDTRUMP this post didn't mention you. What are you on about?
Totally agree! I hate when well built planes are buried by outright copies or when someone slaps a minor mod onto someone else's plane and claims it as their own!!! Luckily, it's pretty obvious when that's what happened.😡
I don't think @Flightsonic was talking about you in particular with this post @DONALDTRUMP
@DONALDTRUMP why do you keep going on, you ddi have to come to my post to argue... so why did you?
@DONALDTRUMP And you shouldn't be screwing with a post mods have been on
@DONALDTRUMP seems like you've been stuck on 1002 for a couple days now, wonder why
@FennVectorCWA it's fine lol
Thanks ...heh sorry for Skrwing your forum post lol
15 points for planes 2 points for forum posts@FennVectorCWA
Yes 15@FennVectorCWA
Heh thanks last earned and upvote today.....
Heh can someone tell me The exact number of points earned by upvotes ......its 15 right?
@FennVectorCWA almost silver eh? congrats!
@FennVectorCWA lol
Good Guide but sadly i ll follow mediocrePlanes guide
@MediocrePlanes or that, but I didn't know if you guys liked that, but you have to leave step ten lol