We'd love it if you could help us test the upcoming Steam release.
To try the beta
* Right click on the game in your library and click “Properties”
* Click the “Betas” tab
* From the “Select the beta you would like to opt into:” drop-down select “public-test”
* Steam should start downloading the public-test version of the game (as noted in your library by showing “SimplePlanes [public-test]” (if your library is displaying in list or detail view). You can also verify that you are playing the public test by checking the version in the “About” menu from the initial menu:
Please let us know what you think report any bugs you find here. Thanks! Release Notes:
New Features
* AI aircraft traffic in Sandbox mode, adjustable in the Game Settings. See your own saved airplanes fly alongside you! AI planes will become hostile if engaged.
* Sinkable ships. Drop a bomb, launch a missile, and the ship will smoke, slowing sinking into the ocean.
* 2 new destroyer ships! Be warned. These warships will retaliate with extreme prejudice, aka their arsenal.
* 1 new race: Lunar Arc. This race will be featured in an upcoming Sky Cup tournament.
* Users will be informed of newly downloaded workshop content from an in-game dialogue pop-up.
Designer Enhancements
* Airplane Properties panel added, accessible from the menu.
* Tooltips added to most buttons.
* Create subassemblies in a simple drag & drop action.
* New mirror buttons added, including input bindings for mirroring left/right and opening the mirror tool..
* Visual improvements to the wing tool.
* Some parts now base their starting orientation on the current view when dragged out from the parts menu.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue preventing the uploading of mods on OSX.
* Fixed an issue with flying through race rings at high speed registering as a miss.
* Fixed a stack overflow issue with improperly configured input bindings.
* Fixed an issue with detachers firing in incorrect directions when connected to activation group 8.
* Fixed an issue with clicking through the flyout panel's title/back button.
* Fixed an issue with designer button panels not being hidden when dragging parts.
* Fixed an issue with designer button panels opening on top of each other.
* Fixed an issue with wing properties flyout not being hidden when dragging parts.
* Fixed some issues with nudged propellers exploding.
* Fixed an issue or two with planes behaving incorrectly on the very first frame.
* Fixed some issues with mirroring aircraft.
* Fixed an issue with the wing tool gizmos jumping around when clicking on them.
* Fixed an issue where air density for wing simulations was being tracked globally rather than per aircraft.
Hey I'm just saying I put a few modded fuel tanks on the USS Tiny and as soon as it started playing the USS tiny went Haywire it started turning and capsizing is this to make it realistic or is this some kind of bug??
Minor Bug: When an AI plane has engines over-speeding, it shows on your screen as if it was yours.
One issue I have is when you shoot the ships with bridge destroying guns they fly off with little friction.
@HellFireKoder I think that will be ok =)
@deusalgor Yeah thanks! This update kind of added some extra stuff we'll want to sync, but I think for the first release we'll just disable the destroyers and AI in sandbox, or ignore them...
Something I've noticed about the carriers in the beta is that the decks appear to have massively decreased friction on their surfaces. When I spawn on either on of them, my aircraft doesn't seem to want to stay lined up with the deck, especially when the carriers are turning. I've also experienced something of a bug where the USS Beast will constantly move slightly sideways.
@HellFireKoder I am glad that someone shares my thoughts =) And that marking system would be great. By the way, good luck with multiplayer, there is so many people waiting for it =)
@deusalgor I also think we should be able to edit the list of designs that fly in sandbox, but FYI the game will mark anything it can't figure out how to fly, and won't load that again.
Edit: edit not exit... haha... seriously though.
How do i get the boats?
One thing I think would be cool though, is when you stick the aircraft into autopilot, the planes flying along side you should go into formation... That would be pretty cool!
The AI airplanes will fly around you and try to get you no matter what.
@Tully2001 no problem at all =)
@HellFireKoder thanks a guss ill have to buy it on steam when my new computer arrives
@Tully2001 it is only on dense or other too? Try to flight on aircraft with AA missiles such as Guardian and Interceptor, after you activate the traffic - turn on targeting mode by pressing R or by clicking on Air-to-Air in the bottom menu. Targeting system should find some Air targets. If it doesen't - try to change your location and deactivate and activate targeting mode. Write here if it helps or not.
Ok. Here is our little obvious feedback from VK Community:
1. New ship are glorious!
2. Ship damage system are awesome.
3. Traffic is great, but we need editable spawn lists, because ships and tanks spawning in the air are not great ;) May be even with adjustable spawn locations like: "I want this airplane spawn on 3k height and this AA turret near bandit airport, and this heavy cruiser near Murphy docks". Also somebody may not want to spawn high deteiled aircrafts, especially while flying or sailng on something with 2k+ parts ;)
Thanks for great update, Devs! =)
@Pauciloquent ye I got it now.
@Cortwade Me and UnstableOrbit are working on a mod for it.
FRA (Frequently Repeated Answers, about the mod):
Nobody is getting in the beta by asking (there's not even a beta running yet, though).
We may look into Android version after PC is released, but no guarantees.
iOS is impossible because of Apple's policy on the app store.
Players host servers with an executable file (I will look into Mac and Linux executables, but I haven't got experience building to them from Visual Studio, so I don't know how it's gonna turn out).
The server executable will handle port forwarding if it can.
Servers can be LAN, just connect to the local IPv4 address of the host computer, and don't give your global IP to anyone.
Servers can ALSO be global, just give people your global IP address.
Btw will there be a multiplayer for simpleplanes?
@AeroEngineering Let them have some time together!

Image by HellFireKoder
@BRuthless actually it seems that drag is supposed to show if you hover over the "Airplane Properties" is says Visualizes the amount of drag with current aircraft.... so perhaps it's just missing for now...
It's fantastic
i really do like it
Will this be for mobile too sometime later? @nathanmikeska
@ChazPlayzGamez you can access "game settings" when you load up a level or sandbox mode... just press "Esc" and I'll see it...