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81.6k Himynameiswalrus  9.0 years ago

My mom got mad at me for not asking a teacher for makeup work. The catch is, is that my teacher is in Georgia (the country) for 2 weeks. So my mom got mad at me again when she said " why didn't you ask the substitute??!!!" Another punch line, I told her that I asked the sub teacher about the work, and there was nothing the sub could do 2 minutes before she yelled at me. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY LIFE

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    17.8k jsaret

    @Himynameiswalrus great!

    9.0 years ago
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    @jsaret the situation has successfully been resolved!!

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    Here's how I've dealt with similar situations with my parents in the past:
    01. Just tell her the facts in a levelheaded, calm tone.
    02. Let her express her anger (whether it's justified or not, doesn't matter)
    03. Once she's done, walk away and don't talk to her for a little while until she talks to you.
    04. Definitely don't skip any meals, or go out of your way to avoid her! It will just upset her more.
    05. Don't ask for an apology - let her apologize (she might not, it's ok)
    06. Keep yourself calm by knowing you're in the right and you're satisfied with your efforts.

    9.0 years ago