Could somebody please mod a blasto j15 to not require air to run? i use this engine on most builds i do but i cant place air intakes because it ruins the aircrafts look (note the intakes on my p1052 which must be there for the engines to work) this would be amazing help if anybody can but im not sure if its even possible to do
@amazingperson124 just typing mods on search then this forum pop up on me
@NGC543 How did you find this thread? It's been ages
@amazingperson124 rocket engine mod?🤨
@amazingperson124 aww :C welp ive just gotta leave the ugly intakes :c
@TheChosenZebra You can't mod an engine so that it doesn't need air. It's impossible.
the blasto j15? i mean the engine ingame i want one which doesnt need air intakes
It would also be nice if it was modded so that my P.1052 flew at around 600mph with two of them on it (im making a v2.0)