Hello everyone!
There is Steam beta started, if someone didn't noticed, you can read everething about it here: please click on me!
Users from VK community asked me to record something from beta gameplay. I have really not enough time for video recording, editing and rendering, but I can't say no to my friends, so here is best that I managed to record so far =)
It is full scale ship battle. Corvette vs USS Beast and his escort Destroyers. And little bonus in the end.
Here is the link to video. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment and ask everething you need =)
With best regards, VK community administration.
I'm fine without the USS Beast But NOT THE TINY:(
Im on a boat. Im in looooove with da boat oat boat oat.
Nice boat man!
@deusalgor I mean guns.
@deusalgor mice vid
@Noman0rumeral thanks :)
@JMicah4 ehm, nope, with gun bullets :)
O my good lord that was beautiful
you shot the missles with missles...
@MrMecha thanks, I will try to record something better soon.
@JShay thanks! Without that I would be on sea bottom after first missile. Those Destroyers are really badasses :)
Nice! I like how you shot down the missiles with your minigun 😃
@WalrusAircraft thanks!)