The jelly situation is getting worse, its not as big as the JSE spamming, but its more agressive! Examples: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3. The situation is only getting worse, moderators and devs need to take a bit more action, notify jelly that he is promoting breaking the rules and he is oblivious to the rules, let him know that he needs to stop, its more than annoying, its offensive.
O-O why
@HellFireKoder @bjac0 HellFire is right about us having contacted Jelly - in my case, comments on his videos and PMs - but there hasn't been any response that we're aware of.
@MediocrePlanes ok, lets hope this doesn't get worse!
That spammer is now IP banned, courtesy of Andrew
Well, Now we can't use the JES anymore :C
He's made a new SP video a little while ago and mentioned the tag. The Jelly spam is coming to an end.
@HellFireKoder @bjac0 If i'm correct, he hasn't uploaded an SP video since, but if he does upload one soon, the either we're in big trouble of the spam, or (most unlikely) he'd apologize, but a "big time" YTer like him being careless, not gonna happen
@Skua @MediocrePlanes @AndrewGarrison @RocketLL
@HellFireKoder but he still needs to be notified, but it will be difficult, large-ish youtubers like him are hard to get a hold of.
@bjac0 I know, he should do something, if he actually intends the rule breaking and spam then you'd think he'd reinforce it, and if not you'd think he'd tell them to stop breaking the rules, but he hasn't...
He did mention he's recording videos ahead of time, and didn't say how far ahead, but this should be a top priority thing if he doesn't mean to crush the community.
@HellFireKoder thats not normal... If there is a "threat" for a youtuber, usually it will be mentioned again by said youtuber.
@bjac0 he hasn't responded in a video or comment, that's for sure.
But these different users just maybe don't watch his videos as soon?!?!! Plus alts.
I scanned through comments and videos since that one where he called us haters, and he doesn't seem to have mentioned SimplePlanes or us or "the haters" since then.
@HellFireKoder jelly hasn't responded, if you look at the examples, these are different users, jelly must have said something to trigger this.
They mods have tried to contact him through PM, I don't know how that went.