So my computer is acting starnge, I am not going to use it now. So I can't upload planes until it is ifxed. It is to be fixed next week. So I won't be back until two weeks from now. Thanks guys for the support! Hope wehn I get back there will be 9K points or more! :)
@FrankieB ok
@ShatteredAviation its very complicated pre-boot settings that most people could care less about
@FrankieB what is that?
@ShatteredAviation wow, bios settings?
@FrankieB nothing loads at all, nothing. not even the settings. dad is going to go format it.
@ShatteredAviation what's it doing?
@Thefalloutplayr thanks @Redlord thanks too. btw i am using the school's computer right now
See you at the end of march@ShatteredAviation
@Flightsonic @Delphinus @SPS13 @FrankieB @FennVectorCWA @KibgDeadshot