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How to properly demolish all ships in one run

26.4k BRuthless  9.0 years ago

Attacking the USS Beast, it's escort and the USS Tiny is easy as pie with a proper tropedo-bomber! :D

Two aircraft carriers were spotted near Wright Airport. They are heading towards our coast. Possibility of a nuclear strike on Yeager Airport. The targets have to be eliminated immediately.
Enemy troops from Bandit Airport have been spotted in the valleys. Cut off their way to Yeager Airport.
Two destroyers are suspected to escort one of the aircraft carriers. Proceed with caution!
Video featuring the XB-3 Penguin and the SharkHunter 1000 torpedoes.

Enjoy! :)

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    @BRuthless Yay:D

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    @SimpleName11 It will come with the next update late March/early April. Probably also to mobile. :)

    9.0 years ago
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    Amazing. I'm sad this is only for the steam version though.

    9.0 years ago
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    @BRuthless I've done it doing minimal manuvers. never got fully locked on by missiles. in my A-1 Hornet.

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    @Typhlosion130 That's exactly what I've done. No matter how fast you switch between targets and no matter how fast you fire, you always have to evade their gun shots and missiles while pushing to the second destroyer and the carrier. The range of the Infernos is just too low to be effective at these things. Also it's hard to lock a target while doing heavy maneuvers to prevent getting hit. :D

    9.0 years ago
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    @BRuthless no you don't. you lock onto people and then activate the groups. group up 3 groups of 3 missiles. lock on to ship A. hit group 1. hurry and click ship B lock on and hit group B. have 2 of the large bombs. hit the carrier with them and win. My most recent Hornet MK:3 can do it in one run.

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    @Typhlosion130 But with activation groups you fire the missiles without any homing. I switch targets with the POV-hat of my joystick btw. :D Edit: Okay, somehow they track even when they are fired with activation groups. It worked out, but I needed 8 Infernos just for the USS Beast and 4 per Destroyer. Also they fired at me with guns and missiles. A lot more stress than going with torpedoes. :D

    9.0 years ago
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    @BRuthless that's why you use activation groups. you fire 3 rockets at once. then 3 at the other as soon as you get the second lock (which you have to click to change target) and then you just drop the bombs. it requires a bit of reflexes :P

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    @Typhlosion130 I've tried, but it's way harder as the destroyers will start shooting at you as soon as you launch your first missile and the Inferno only starts locking up at ~4 nm. Torpedoes won't trigger them until they've hit the target and at that time you are already out of their range. :D

    9.0 years ago
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    It's much easier than that. shove 6 ground target missiles and 2 of the larger bombs. use some activation groups and fast target switching and you can do it in one run.

    9.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @BRuthless no problem

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    @Flightsonic Oh, it's still in beta, that's why. Thanks for the info! :)

    9.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @BRuthless you have to join the SP modders group

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    @Flightsonic Steam doesn't show me a workshop for SimplePlanes. :O

    9.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @BRuthless on the steam workshop

    9.0 years ago
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    26.4k BRuthless

    @Flightsonic I've been searching for mods all the time. Can't find anything with Google. :/

    9.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Or get the MOAB mod, make it float, drop it off, and shoot it

    9.0 years ago