I was landing a prototype of a new F-22 (spoilers), when a P-51 just crashed into THE GROUND. Hahaha
I wish my pc was working@Flightsonic
@BaconEggs I saw an ai bomber land without landing gear
I tried driving a car from Bandit to Yeager. So many crashing AI pilots.
@Flightsonic They do, well, landing.
@Flightsonic I've seen it
@FrankieB if you've seen my post... those things are the ban of my existence
@Flightsonic I was turning to line up with the runway at Wright the a kicking fish came by and exploded right in front of me
@FrankieB I had one land on top of me... he landed but crashed into me on the end of the strip
@Flightsonic lol they do some pretty funny stuff, the ai bomber once crashed into the cliff side next to murphy/yeager while I was on approach
It's not really a bug but it is something needed to be fixed, they're meant to fly really close, but don't take anything to account
I have had that happen many times
I wish my pc was working@Flightsonic
@BaconEggs I saw an ai bomber land without landing gear
I tried driving a car from Bandit to Yeager. So many crashing AI pilots.
@Flightsonic They do, well, landing.
@Flightsonic I've seen it
@FrankieB if you've seen my post... those things are the ban of my existence
@Flightsonic I was turning to line up with the runway at Wright the a kicking fish came by and exploded right in front of me
@FrankieB I had one land on top of me... he landed but crashed into me on the end of the strip
@Flightsonic lol they do some pretty funny stuff, the ai bomber once crashed into the cliff side next to murphy/yeager while I was on approach
It's not really a bug but it is something needed to be fixed, they're meant to fly really close, but don't take anything to account
I have had that happen many times