Yet another plane, this time it's not so modern. I need your help to deside if I should release this ether on or the day after my birthday (on the 16th) or tomorrow (the 10th).
9,295 JetstreamAeroEngineering
8.7 years ago
#americanchildhood so true. Good job.
Sadly no, I'm working on it tho @Mrwhiskers85
Hmmm...... I don't think I've seen a Sunderland in a while. Do the turrets rotate?
@JetstreamAeroEngineering today!!! Plz
Ok @SimpleName11
Yep @ShatterFox
No, it's just STRANGER DANGER, lol @jsaret
Release it on the 10th. This thing looks awesome!
@JetstreamAeroEngineering nah I totally get it. I must compliment you on your internet safety...protocols.
Thanks, and I'd rather not share how old I am no offense @jsaret
Yep! @DeezDucks
Short Sunderland :D
Looks really cool! Either is ok I guess. How old are you going to be?